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Ancient & Modern by the Mekons
One of the UK's pioneering punk groups, the Mekons got together in Leeds in 1977. Leader Jon Langford now calls Chicago home, and the group still produces music at a prolific pace....
Barely enough: Manna in the wilderness of depression
We all live out our lives in the wilderness.
Supreme Court declines to review prayer case
WASHINGTON (ABP) -- The U.S. Supreme Court declined Jan. 17 to
reconsider a lower court’s decision barring a North Carolina county from...
Pressler denies Santorum endorsement was rigged
HOUSTON (ABP) – The host of a weekend gathering of religious
conservatives seeking consensus on an alternative presidential candidate...
A day without Wiki
Till today, I had no idea how much I rely on Wikipedia for my day-to-day work. I imagine I'm not alone in this realization....
No pipeline
It's official: President Obama has announced that he's turning down the application to b...
Young Adult
Judging by the ads, you might think that this tale of a former high
school prom queen who returns to her small Minnesota town to reclaim her
old boyfriend is a light story filled with big yucks and a happy
ending. But director Jason Reitman and screenwriter Diablo Cody are serving up a dark story about wasted lives
and shattered dreams that coyly takes a few cheap potshots at the
clueless folks who populate a small town.
New Christians in Israel
The Christian population in Israel has begun to swell again, drawing on wholly different sources than in the past.
Sunday, January 29, 2012: Mark 1:21–28
What animates our being? What possesses or consumes us?
Survey: Half of churchgoers' lives not affected by time in pews
c. 2012 Religion News Service
(RNS) Almost half of churchgoing Americans say their life has not changed a bit
due to their time in the pews, a new survey shows.
Paul Simon's long meandering spiritual journey
(RNS) Paul Simon says there's always been a spiritual dimension to his music.
But the overt religious references in his most recent album, "So Beautiful or So
What," surprised even him. There are songs about God, angels, creation,
pilgrimage, prayer and the afterlife.
Time is short
In a recent interview, Diane Keaton told the story of when she first decided to adopt a child. She was driving her father home from the hospital to die.
The lens of dementia
The movie The Iron Lady--about Margaret Thatcher, prime
minister of Britain from 1979 to 1990--is worth...
Stuff; Objects of Our Affection
The average house size
has nearly doubled since 1970. Yet self-storage units, once nearly
nonexistent, are a booming business.
Love made visible
Once you finally get a job, then you need to get a “real” job. Then you can expect to be laid off at least once in your life. Then you have to retool and enter the workforce again. Then even if you get your “dream” job, you might come to the realization that you’re destroying your family and your personal life, and the dream becomes a bit of a nightmare. Then you begin to realign all your goals. Then you begin to look toward retirement, and you begin to imagine what your vocation is going to be when you retire.
Forgive us our debts
You might be on a committee that thinks that a candidate needs that extra training before they ought to be ordained. They could use some time in a hospital setting or in a real world setting before they earn that REV before their name. If you are, then let me tell you something that the seminary student under your care can’t tell you: students can’t afford it any longer.
Taiwan churches urge fair presidential election
January 13 (ENInews)--Political corruption is drawing such attention in Taiwan that churches are banding together to urge fairness in the 14 January legislative and presidential election....