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Americans intrigued but wary still of Mormon beliefs
c. 2012 USA Today
(RNS) When Mormons call themselves "a peculiar people," they mean it in the biblical sense -- set aside by God, chosen.
Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists rebut Santorum: ‘Equality’ is their concept, too
Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus are accusing Republican presidential
candidate Rick Santorum of bigotry and ignorance after he said that
equality is solely a Judeo-Christian concept....
Systemic distortion
We hear stories of systemic discrimination on a constant basis. What are we going to do about it?
"Grace and Truth"
time. Once, years ago, when I was a college student home for a break,
my mother, who taught piano for most of her life, declared that she...
The new black theology: Retrieving ancient sources to challenge racism
When black theologians focused on nontraditional and extra-Christian sources, white theologians had an excuse to ignore them. Not anymore.
Cairo congregation ministered to Tahrir Square protesters
January 25 (ENInews)--As Egyptians gathered this week in Cairo's Tahrir Square to mark the first anniversary of the "Egyptian Revolution," nearby Jasr El Dobara church continued to be a bridge-buil...
Recalling U.S. missionary beginnings
When America's first ordained foreign missionaries sailed from
Massachusetts toward India 200 years ago, they launched a movement to...
Politicizing Gabby Giffords
By all accounts Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is a remarkable
woman: A respected, conciliatory colleague in the contentious House of...
Black and white thinking
In Redeeming Mulatto, Brian Bantum
addresses the American tendency to understand race relations in binary terms.
Beginnings and endings
After 48 years as a minister of word and sacrament, I will retire at the end of January.
'A miniature Christian bookstore' in the palm of your hand
c. 2012 Religion News Service
(RNS) God may hold the whole world in his hand, but persecuted Christians can now hold an entire seminary library on a fingertip.
Workers at religious institutions fear future of pensions
c. 2012 Religion News Service
NEW BRUNSWICK (RNS) Sue Fritz tended to the sick for more than two decades as a nurse at St. Peter's University Hospital....
Documentary on gay bishop featured at Sundance
It's been years since the incident, but Bishop V. Gene Robinson's
heart still races when he sees it on film. Robinson, the Episcopal...
Is there wisdom in fearing God?
Do we play semantic games when we try to explain the words away? The mention of fear is typically wrapped up in abusive relationships, but we can also fear disappointing someone we love dearly.