Brian Bantum
God of breath and gravity
“Who is God?” Today, God is the rising and falling of my chest.
God of breath and gravity
“Who is God?” Today, God is the rising and falling of my chest.
Please, tell me what it says in the original Greek
Why are clergy so embarrassed to know things their job requires them to know?
After every election, I turn to Tolstoy
His challenges to the left and right alike are devastating and timely.
What does it mean to be a Christian in these times?
We have a cross at the center of our faith, and we need to start acting like it.
Church on the run
If I want kinship with my Anabaptist ancestors, I know where to look: in prison.
What can the church offer trans people right now?
Baptism and Eucharist should rework all of our ideas about identity.
My word for 2024 was monasticism
One highlight of the year was a busy week in a cabin with three friends and a dog.
My protector was not on the ballot this fall
I look to the hills, not to a politician.
God’s maternal love
I wonder if what I felt, feared, and learned as a young mother mirrors what God experiences when she tries to feed us.
Keep swinging for the fences
My decades of church life have been full of the stuff one might expect from a place that promises God and only sometimes delivers.
Emotional communism
More than ever, we need the common life we can create for each other, a shared life for the benefit of all.
Forerunners like John
Not everyone who makes a difference in the world gets the credit—or seeks it.
God’s maternal love
God of breath and gravity
Emotional communism
What does it mean to be a Christian in these times?
What can the church offer trans people right now?
Forerunners like John
Church on the run
Please, tell me what it says in the original Greek
My word for 2024 was monasticism
My protector was not on the ballot this fall
After every election, I turn to Tolstoy
Advent in the squatters’ camp
Keep swinging for the fences
Divine silence
Ancestral blessings
Stretched between life’s verses