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We live by grace
By grace we're created in
the image of God. When we corrupt our lives with sin, the grace of God in Jesus
Christ forgives us and makes us fully alive again.
The Iron Lady
The Iron Lady, which stars Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher, is the worst biopic since Nixon. It's so cautious that it lacks a coherent point of
view, and it's so scattered that it tells you almost exactly nothing.
Sunday, February 5, 2012: 1 Corinthians 9:16-23
In the midst of ethical and doctrinal problems, says Paul, what is most important is to love all people.
No need for church: Ministry with young adults in flux
Why are there 45,000
young adults in Fargo-Moorhead with no connection to a church? It's not a supply-side issue; there's simply no demand.
Poll: Preachy politicians turn off many voters
c. 2012 Religion News Service
(RNS) If there's one thing the fractious Republican field agrees on, it's that personal religious devotion is central to their campaign message.
Anglican network starts campaign for birth registrations
January 24 (ENInews)--In industrialized nations, a birth certificate is taken for granted, even regarded as a bit of tedious bureaucracy....
Desecration of the dead defies religious teachings
The outrage over a video allegedly showing U.S. marines urinating on
dead Taliban fighters provided Americans with a disturbing reminder that...
Is clergy burnout really a crisis?
Is the crisis whether
we burn out, or how we burn out?
This just in: Romney paid the taxes he owed, not the taxes some of us think he should have owed!
It's not what the headlines are highlighting, but Mitt Romney's 2010 tax return
includes one impressive fact: his charitable contributions amounted to
$7 million. I know, this hardly put him at risk of losing one of his houses
and ending up out on the street till his driver could pick him up and
take him to one of his other houses. Still, giving away almost a third
of your income is nothing to sneeze at.
The diplomatic option
In 2009, U.S. talks with Iran broke down because the U.S. was seeking quick results. It's time to try again.
The Interrupters: Directed by Steve James
Documentarian Steve James has a journalist's nose for a great story. His beat is the
challenges faced by low-income city kids, in this case young Chicagoans whose lives are blighted by the cycle of violence.
Who are the wisest prophets?
"The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you shall heed such a prophet." In an election year, this passage from Deuteronomy makes me feel slightly sick to my stomach.
Saving the family
So can we put Newt Gingrich's personal life and rhetoric aside and focus on how we can fix our families? Can we move the discussion of family away from demonizing same-gender relationships and taking rights away from women? Can we have an honest discussion about what we can do to help American families?
Incomparable pair
In this issue Rebekah Miles describes the key role that Ursula Niebuhr played in the development of her husband's
thinking and writing ("Uncredited").
The article sent me to the bookshelf for Elisabeth Sifton's fascinating account of her parents' life together.
U.S. church council names Chapman as interim general secretary
New York, January 20 (ENInews)--Clare J....