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Are Mormons Christian? It's complicated
c. 2012 Religion News Service
(RNS) Ask Mormons if they are Christian, and their answer often starts with a sigh....
Big-city mayors come out for same-sex marriage
A bipartisan coalition of 80 U.S. mayors has started a "Freedom to
Marry" campaign to build public support for giving same-sex couples the
right to marry under U.S. and state laws....
Supporting startup congregations
I learned in seminary that a church is a place where we proclaim the word and administer the sacraments. I’m now learning there’s another criterion: financial sustainability....
How high are our taxes?
Among those of us who maintain that not everything the federal
government does should be either privatized or eliminated, it's common
to point out that income tax rates are a lot lower than they used to be,
especially but not only for the rich.
Awakening Islam, by Stéphane Lacroix
Mention of Saudi Arabia conjures images of a fundamentalist kingdom where the government prohibits women from driving and forbids non-Muslims from holding religious services....
Ray Charles: Live in France 1961 (DVD)
Watching this 16 mm footage—lost for 50 years—in its black-and-white glory is a revelation....
Was Ursula Niebuhr Reinhold's coauthor?
Two years before he died, Reinhold Niebuhr published one of his best-known articles. He didn't write it alone.
El Salvadoran president officially apologizes for 1981 massacre
El Mozote, El Salvador, January 19 (ENInews)--On the 20th anniversary of the end
of the El Salvador civil war, President Mauricio Funes issued an emotional...
During week of prayer, Philippine churches set aside differences
Baguio City, Philippines, January 19 (ENInews)--In the midst of a governance
crisis that threatens to divide the Philippines, several churches say they are...
In London, court says occupiers must leave St. Paul's Cathedral
London, January 18 (ENInews)--Britain's High Court on 18 January ordered
anti-corporate protesters evicted from a camp they have occupied for three...
Two churches join Alliance of Baptists
Two churches disciplined by Baptist bodies for affirming gays have joined the Alliance of Baptists, a theologically progressive organization formed by churches and individuals separating from the S...
Ecclesiastical orphans
guru Fred Craddock, retired from Emory's Candler School of Theology,
often quips: "Anyone who can't remember any farther back than his or
her own birth is an orphan."
The wall of hostility has come down
Christ "has broken down the dividing wall. . . . that he might create in himself one new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace, and might reconcile both groups to God in one body through the cross, thus putting to death that hostility through it."
Gingrich's food stamps ad
Here's the ad Newt Gingrich has been running in South Carolina since Monday night's debate.
Links? Links.
Here are some things I read recently but didn't get around to blogging about.