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Virginia judge rules against breakaway Episcopal parishes
Seven congregations that broke with the Episcopal Church in 2006 over
its liberal policies on homosexuality are not entitled to keep parish...
Haiti: Two years after the quake
Tomorrow is the two-year anniversary of the devastating earthquake in
Haiti. In today’s 24-hour news cycle driven world, two years ago is...
Once dead. Now alive. Christ reshaping people.
A common tendency among
believers is to think of Jesus Christ in the past tense. He's the guy we study
in the Bible that some taxidermist must have mounted on a wall.
Live from Kegworth Studio, by Phil Keaggy
Fans of guitar superslinger Phil Keaggy (which include, it is said, the late Jimi Hendrix) know that he's incredible live, the high quality of his studio discs notwithstanding....
Pay pals: A small group for debtors
When Scott Sorrentino's church started talking about a new "debt annihilation" program, his ears perked up.
Ugandan Anglican leader has drawn both praise and criticism
January 11 (ENInews)--He is described as charismatic, intelligent and humble in Uganda and the Global South, but Anglican Archbishop Henry Orombi, who will be leaving office this year, has also bee...
"Seriously. Are you a Baptist?"
This "Which denomination are you?" flowchart from Lutheran Satire has been making the rounds this week.
Secular sabbath vs. Christian traditions
Do today's main advocates of sabbath (or “quiet,” “rest,” “time away,” whatever you call it) approach it from a spiritual-but-not-religious perspective?
Jeremiah's vexing task
The thing about serving as a prophet is that you are forever stuck between what God wants and what the people want.
Prayer concern: Remembering all the victims of war
Each week my church includes a prayer for the families of American soldiers who have died. As the names are read, I try to hold them in prayer. But I have wrestled with these prayers.
Mylo Xyloto, by Coldplay
Mylo Xyloto strives to be melodic and grandiose, thoughtful and
commercial, a big seller but not a sellout. It's the artistic equivalent
of trying to serve Zeus and mammon, and it doesn't come without risks.
Sunday, January 22, 2012: Jonah 3:1–5, 10; Mark 1:14–20
Simon and Andrew immediately left their nets and followed. If only we could respond so quickly.
Devotional difference
When I first came to Harvard, the weekly
worship service was recognizably Protestant but flexible and welcoming. Over the years, our students have urged us toward
new ways of gathering.
Baptist sexuality conference program released
ATLANTA (ABP) – Scholar and author Jenell Paris headlines A [Baptist]
Conference on Sexuality and Covenant program scheduled April 19-21 at
First Baptist Church in Decatur, Ga....
Appeals court turns down Oklahoma Shari‘a ban
Oklahoma's referendum barring judges from considering Islamic law is
unconstitutional, the Tenth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled,...