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Where did the Amazon links go? and other website changes
As many of you have noticed, the Century no longer has links to Amazon on its website. To explain this, I took to the magazine.
Wednesday digest
New today from the Century: Amazon, sales tax and the Century website; a review of the film Carnage; more.
Carnage plays out entirely in a New York City apartment, where
two couples are trying to deal with a playground incident involving
their 11-year-old sons, one of whom struck the other in the mouth with a
stick. In the process, the film—directed and coscripted by Roman
Polanski, based on Yasmina Reza's play God of Carnage—peels back the skin of each supposedly caring parent, revealing the person beneath the civilized facade.
The memory of God
We can't remember Jesus the way we can remember, say, Bonhoeffer or the lavishly photographed St. Thérèse of Lisieux.
Cardinal says bishops must 'cooperate' with police on abuse
c. 2012 Religion News Service VATICAN CITY (RNS) The Vatican's doctrinal chief on Monday (Feb....
Sunday, February 19, 2012: 2 Kings 2:1–12; Mark 9:2–9
If the disciples hoped before that Jesus didn't know what he was saying, these hopes are now gone.
God gets the last word
To be
sure, the second-to-last word, which can be very powerful, can be given to
something else.
Catholics (and Protestants) on the contraception mandate
Are Protestants more in line with
the Catholic bishops on contraception than Catholics
are? Or is it just that there's some correlation between being
Protestant and being politically inclined to oppose most any proposal
that starts with "Employers should be required..."?
Tuesday digest
New today from the Century: the memory of God, Martin Copenhaver's seven-word gospel, more.
Reasonable exception
We disagree with the Catholic bishops' stance on birth control. Nevertheless, we think HHS should offer a broader religious exemption.
Egypt's humanitarian problems need addressing, say Christian representatives
New York, February 6 (ENInews)--Egyptian Christian humanitarian leaders say while politics and religion are garnering the most attention in their country right now, Egypt's serious humanitarian pro...
French candidate wants to put church-state separation into constitution
Paris, February 6 (ENInews)--The front-runner in the race for the French presidency wants the separation of church and state to be put into the constitution, prompting religious and legal experts t...
Canadian imams declare fatwa against ‘honor killings’
Muslim clerics in Canada issued a fatwa against so-called honor
killings a week after three members of an Afghan family in Montreal were
convicted of the murders of four relatives....
Foreground and background
I have found this year's Republican primaries fascinating,
particularly the shifting fortunes of the candidates. While Mitt Romney has
been more or less the frontrunner of his ambivalent party, the rest of the
field has been one crazy jumble of surges and falls from grace. It's political
spectacle at its most interesting, if not necessarily its best.
Of mothers and fathers
I became a stay-at-home father several years ago, I slowly realized
that all the theology I had studied in seminary, if I were honest,
didn’t connect with my new reality of diapers, spit-up and frozen breast
Monday digest
New today from the Century: the editors on the contraception mandate, a stay-at-home dad on male privilege, more.
We Need to Talk About Kevin
The primary reason to immerse yourself in the jagged world of We Need to Talk About Kevin
is the towering lead performance by Tilda Swinton, an actress of
continuing spontaneity who traveled a circuitous route through
experimental and art cinema before embarking on a second career in the
An elephant in the room? How meeting agendas get hijacked: How meeting agendas get hijacked
In many cases, shouting "Elephant in the room!" is an attempt to avoid other,
lesser, lurking creatures.