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Author admits flaws in abortion rate study, but challenges critics: Stassen says sources limited at the time
A controversial study suggesting that the abortion rate has increased since President Bush took office was off the mark, its author now admits....
Zimbabwe evictions of urban poor decried; Methodist deported: Pastors call on government to end crackdown
Religious and human rights groups, along with a top UN official, are calling on the Zimbabwe government to end its campaign of evicting the urban poor and destroying their shacks and market stalls....
Holy intrusion: The power of dreams in the Bible
We children of the Enlightenment do not regularly linger over such elusive experiences as dreams....
The blame game: Romans 7:15-25a
"Do not touch.” “Do not taste.” “Don’t walk on the grass.” What is it about me that wants to do exactly what signs instruct me not to do? The warnings are probably for my benefit. The signs are not evil. So why do they bring out the worst in me?
Family feuds: Genesis 25:19-34; Romans 8:1-11
Jacob and Esau are identified by their relationship with each other.
Clay pots: Romans 8:1-11; Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
Disconnectedness is the greatest threat to our spiritual security.
I remember Mrs. Fortner: Self-serving ministry
A free association exercise: Random memories from the 18 months I spent as a chaplain intern at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas....
Redeeming Sam: The difference Jesus makes
At age eight, Sam became totally paralyzed. A year later he emerged with brain damage, learning disabilities, complex emotional problems and severe behavioral problems. His family began to disintegrate under the strain. His mother committed suicide, and Sam was placed in a psychiatric hospital. In this horrible situation, what earthly difference can Jesus make?
Intrigue at the UN
Intelligently detailed, impressively mounted, absorbingly told and undeniably gripping, Sydney Pollack’s The Interpreter is a very satisfying movie—unless you’re seeking something more than ...
For the Sake of Heaven and Earth
Most Christians and Jews remain settled in separate enclaves....
America Beyond Capitalism
For those whose life involves a continuous dialogue between insights from their religious traditi...
Anxious moments: Matthew 11:16-19, 35-30; Romans 7:15-25a
For a Christian, freedom means being the one whom God intends us to be.
Fear not: An alternative to the politics of fear
The politics of fear has hardly abated since 9/11, or since last fall’s election, which was largely a contest of convincing voters about who could best “kill the terrorists.” A simple spin down the...
Century Marks
A “faith-based economy,” argues Frederick H. Borsch, is based not so much on a “preferential option for the poor” as on a concern for the well-being of a community in which no one is left behind or left out or deprived of dignity. This is a goal that can never be achieved, yet should not be surrendered. says Borsch (Anglican Theological Review, Winter).