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Sensual morality play
Latino cinema has a long tradition of tweaking the Catholic Church for its supposed hypocrisy, involvement in secular politics and manhandling of sexual issues....
Risky business
It is highly unlikely that the late Paul Holmer ever would have read a book about youth ministry....
Democracy Matters
For more than two decades, my favorite Cornel West book was Prophesy Deliverance! (1982)....
The Last of the Celts
The adjective Celtic has been used to sell so many things—from books and music to jewelry to alternative spiritualities—that a canny reader might be ...
Century Marks
Sad character: In an address at Yale Divinity School, former secretary of state Madeleine Albright reported that soon after 9/11 she was on a panel with Elie Wiesel, writer and Holocaust sur...
Lives of the embryo: An odd place to draw a line against stem cell research
“There is no such thing as a spare embryo,” President Bush declared, vowing to veto a bill that would allot federal money to support stem cell research on human embryos that were created through in...
American Baptists face breakup threats: Homosexuality debate could shatter fragile unity
In an appeal to American Baptists last November, the denomination’s top official said he suffered “many sleepless nights” worrying whether controversies over homosexuality would shatter the fragile...
Supreme Court upholds inmates’ religious rights: Unanimous decision may have impact beyond prisons
A unanimous Supreme Court has upheld a five-year-old federal law that makes it easier for prison inmates—and others—to assert their religious freedom....
Air Force Academy leader admits faith bias is pervasive: Aggressive evangelicalism
Acknowledging that a religious bias favoring evangelical Christianity has been pervasive at the U.S....
Justice Department backs churches renting space in public schools: New York City Board of Education objects
The U.S. Department of Justice is urging a federal court in New York to uphold the right of religious organizations to conduct worship services in public school buildings....
Lack of black churches delays launch of new ecumenical group: Both interest and skepticism among black leaders
The launching of a new group that aims to bring Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Christians in the U.S....
Bellow and Jesus: Moved and horrified
Stephen Mitchell sent his 1993 book The Gospel According to Jesus to Nobel Prize–winning novelist Saul Bellow, and to his surprise received a passionate response....
Ordinary beauty: Everyday blessings
Calvin says somewhere that each of us is an actor on a stage and God is the audience....
Running on empty: The problem of the mainline
For at least the past generation, mainline Protestants have been worried about declines in membership....
Reformed Church author OKs gay marriage: What God Has Joined Together
A professor with long ties to the Reformed Church in America has coauthored a book that makes what he considers a Christian argument for gay marriage....
Warren books most popular with pastors: Younger clergy less likely to be influenced
Best-selling author Rick Warren’s books are the most popular overall among Protestant pastors, but younger clergy are less likely to be influenced by them, a Barna Group survey shows....
Eastern Seminary now Palmer Seminary: More scholarship aid
After receiving a $5 million gift from the family of its longest-serving president, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary will dramatically cut tuition costs and be renamed Palmer Theological Semina...