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Jonathan Tran
Jonathan Tran teaches theological ethics at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. He is author of The Vietnam War and Theologies of Memory and Foucault and Theology.
Keep swinging for the fences
My decades of church life have been full of the stuff one might expect from a place that promises God and only sometimes delivers.
How I talk to my children about sex
Or rather, how I’d like to.
What does ‘Christian nationalism’ even mean?
Could it really be all the different things people say it is?
One person’s self-made hell
Recently I attended the trial of a woman accused of killing a college student in a hit and run.
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Anti-racism’s mission drift
Privileged progressives have turned their attention from structures and systems to sentimentalism.
Thinking through abortion ethics in the classroom
What if we began with character, my students and I asked, rather than rights?
Giving disappointment its due
Some of our dreams won’t be fulfilled. While this may be a mercy, that’s no consolation.
Looking to heaven without looking past earth
In the Christian imagination, the two rightly go together.