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Bush won’t budge on stem cells: Hard line could backfire
President Bush’s declaration that he would veto any legislative effort to expand embryonic stem cell research puts his Republican Party between a rock and a hard place politically, making the GOP a...
Anglicans, Catholics find common ground on Mary: Role model and Christ's foremost disciple
Roman Catholic and Anglican leaders have announced newfound agreement on the Virgin Mary, seeing her as a role model and “Christ’s foremost disciple.”
French philosopher Paul Ricoeur dies at 92: Studied how people overcome doubts by drawing on spiritual heritage
Ricoeur, 92, an influential thinker on both sides of the Atlantic, died May 20 at home in Chatenay-Malabry near Paris after a months-long illness.
Hundreds of Christian leaders see new unity: Conference on World Mission and Evangelism
The May 9-16 Conference on World Mission and Evangelism, held outside of Athens, was the 12th such meeting since 1910—when the modern ecumenical movement began in Edinburgh.
Double vision: Missing in the Newsweek fuss: historical perspective
When photographs of Saddam Hussein in his underwear were printed in the New York Post and the London Sun, President Bush told the Associated Press: “I don’t think a photo inspires mur...
Broken and shared: Worship: Act four
All the elements of worship have led us here, to the Eucharist, or communion table. Now a reshaping of human society begins. Just as the bread and wine are offered, transformed and received, the congregation—and through it the whole creation—is offered, transformed and received by God.
Let’s talk about sex: Challenging the hook-up ethos
Like any Catholic college, mine boasts an ethic of sexual abstinence for students, does not allow any form of birth control to be distributed on campus, and has same-sex residence halls that post v...
The gift of infertility: From despair to celebration
Infertility—a gift!? Poison and a curse—that’s how this unexplained infertility of ours felt to me for what seemed like an eternity....
Open season: Surviving church conferences
Here is a recommended summer reading list: Robert’s Rules of Disorder, Extreme Boxing, No-Rules Gladiatorial Games, Cockfighting, The Laws of Rugby Football...
End of days: NBC's 'Revelations'
Theology geeks with whom I’ve discussed the NBC miniseries Revelations are usually indignant that it does not engage in a scholarly, historically aware study of the book of Revelation....
Crusades revisited: 'Kingdom of Heaven'
Thousands of medieval Christians answer the spiritual call of the pope, take up arms, and travel to the Holy Land to defend the faith against a barbaric and militaristic Muslim foe....
Qur'an abuse story roils Islamic World: Anti-American riots
If a Qur’an is accidentally dropped on the floor, the person who dropped it makes a contribution to charity in atonement. Copies are never placed at the bottom of a pile of books....
Anti-Muslim incidents up 49 percent in U.S. Harassment, violence, discrimination: Harassment, violence, discrimination
The largest U.S. Islamic civil rights organization has reported that acts of anti-Muslim discrimination increased by 49 percent last year....
UCC delegates to consider divestment: Economic pressure
The United Church of Christ will vote in July on whether to pull invested church money from U.S....
Bush cites scripture to Calvin College grads: "Love your neighbor as yourself"
In a commencement address at Calvin College, President Bush urged graduates of the Christian college in Grand Rapids, Michigan, to serve others as the Bible commands....
Advocacy group ends long Disney boycott: Cause lost on "crowded cultural battlefield"
Citing other challenges in a “crowded cultural battlefield,” the conservative American Family Association announced that it has officially ended its boycott of Disney theme parks and products initi...
Can we be friends? Pastor-parish relationships: Pastor-parish relationships
Now concerning the love of brothers and sisters, you do not need to have anyone write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another . . ....
Holy contention: The freedom to raise questions
It is not clear whether Thomas Reese was forced, pressured or strongly encouraged to resign as editor of the Jesuit weekly America....
Slave wages: Romans 6:12-23; Matthew 10:40-42
We are still free to choose whose slaves we will be.