260 results found.
Learning costly resistance from Bonhoeffer
Cheap resistance is like cheap grace. It risks very little.
I let the Holy Spirit see my dirty laundry
I was counting on her discretion.
I let the Holy Spirit see my dirty laundry
I was counting on her discretion.
I let the Holy Spirit see my dirty laundry
I was counting on her discretion.
Why are the “good guys with guns” so sure they're good?
"It's a sin problem," goes the slogan, "not a gun problem." Whatever definition of sin is operative here, it isn't Paul's.
A faith without food rules (Romans 14:1-12)
Maybe we need to be pushed in different ways than the Romans did.
How new is the new Christian Zionism?
There have been many Zionisms over the years. Only one has imagined an eventual end of Judaism.
When God changes our plans (Romans 10:5–15)
It's not always what we would choose for ourselves.
When God changes our plans (Romans 10:5–15)
It's not always what we would choose for ourselves.
On failing to receive hospitality
On the way to the soup kitchen, I met a man with a loaf of bread.
Paul's concern for his kin (Romans 9:1–5)
This text is a painful confession.
Listen to the world's groaning (Romans 8:12–25)
Christians have long lived in denial of our deep creaturely connections.
What makes for an undivided life?
True character is only formed over long periods of time.
August 20, Ordinary 20A (Matthew 15:10–28; Romans 11:1–2a, 29–32)
Give me your tired, your poor, those you consider dogs.
The difference between wishing and hoping
Wishes are about what we want. Hope is about what God wants.
August 13, Ordinary 19A (1 Kings 19:9–18; Psalm 85:8–13; Romans 10:5–15; Matthew 14:22–33)
Both Elijah and Peter face a stark reality: fear.
July 30, Ordinary 17A (Romans 8:26–39; Matthew 13:31–33, 44–52)
We can be joined by our suffering, not just separated.
What's dead can die (Romans 6:1b-11)
It's a beautiful Sunday morning, until the pastor breaks the mood.
by Liddy Barlow
The peaceable priestly kingdom (Exodus 19:2–8a; Romans 5:1–8; Matthew 9:35–10:23)
If it's in the first verse of Romans 5, it must be important to Paul.
July 9, Ordinary 14A (Romans 7:15–25a; Matthew 11:16–19, 25–30)
I would have been embarrassed, downright ashamed to be associated with gluttons, drunkards, and sinners.
by Joann H. Lee