Authors /
David Grumett
David Grumett is senior lecturer in theology and ethics at the University of Edinburgh. His books include Teilhard de Chardin: Theology, Humanity and Cosmos.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's theological trouble
The Jesuit scientist questioned whether humans are descended from Adam. It got him exiled.
A Christian diet: The case for food rules
About ten years ago I started to become vegetarian. But although my menu shifted, my Christian observance continued pretty much the same. A cradle Anglican, I was a graduate student at King’s College, Cambridge. Evensong in chapel was a staple of my spiritual diet, often followed by dinner in the hall. Although physical sustenance came right after spiritual sustenance, I had little sense of a link between the two beyond the notion that sharing food with others was a good thing to do and that one should not take too much food in order to leave plenty for others. As a Christian, I was not unusual in failing to make connections between faith and food.
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