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E. Carrington Heath
E. Carrington Heath is senior pastor of the Congregational Church in Exeter, New Hampshire, and author of Courageous Faith.
We would see Jesus (John 12:20-33)
This is a fearful time, especially for those who are being targeted by some of the currents of our cultural wars.
March 17, Lent 5B (John 12:20–33)
“If you really want to live you’ve gotta die” is a puzzle that could leave you off kilter your whole life long.
Good news that doesn’t fit on a sign (John 3:14-21)
What has always interested me about the John 3:16 signs is the singular focus.
March 10, Lent 4B (Numbers 21:4–9; John 3:14–21)
When John 3 came up I used to preach on the dangers of fixating on one verse. Now I cringe at that memory.
Third spaces and more (John 2:13-22)
Churches often live in an uneasy relationship with their property.
March 3, Lent 3B (John 2:13–22)
Whatever Jesus is attacking, it isn’t the practices of the people coming to the temple to worship.
Surely, God is in Zoom worship (16A; Genesis 28:10-19a)
But that doesn't necessarily mean the sacraments belong there.
A reading that can be deadly (15A; Romans 8:1-11 )
This passage from Paul is one that has been used to inflict pain upon LGBTQ people.
July 12, 15A (Romans 8:1–11)
What if all the energy we spent on taming the flesh were channeled toward loving the world?
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Learning costly resistance from Bonhoeffer
Cheap resistance is like cheap grace. It risks very little.
Ashes without glitter
I'm a queer Christian pastor, and I'll be using regular, old, boring ashes like always.