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Link bonanza: Inauguration edition
So I'm headed to DC this weekend, where I used to live and my fiancee
still does. We're excited to be in town for the inauguration—which isn't...
A new year's promise: Breaking the Middle East deadlock
A new administration in Washington brings the promise of new approaches to deadlocked and dangerous international conflicts....
Health-care opportunity: The time for reform is now
Shortly before Christmas, while defending his plan to give federal aid to the collapsing U.S....
Century Marks
Disarming: A Christian women's group in Japan has produced New Year postcards, in English and Japanese, to promote a war-renouncing clause in the country's 1946 constitution. Some politicians have in recent times tried to amend this clause. Tens of millions of New Year cards are delivered throughout Japan on January 1 (ENI).
Taliban neighbors: Christian witness in Pakistan
The Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan, a long, mountainous region on the border with Afghanistan, may be the world's most violent area. I asked Mano Rumalshah, bishop of the Church of Pakistan's 70,000-member NWFP diocese, "How do you serve as a Christian in this hostile region, where violence has become the norm and you’re held down economically, socially and politically? How do you incarnate Christ when you live here?"
Sources of solace: The power of family ties
When my son Michael died suddenly at age 38, he left a pregnant wife and an infant....
Briefly noted
Episcopalians in New Mexico have voted to leave a conservative umbrella group and reaffirm their commitment to the Episcopal Church rather than join a new rival Anglican province on U.S....
Bush voices moderate faith views in interview: Doubts the Bible is literally true
President Bush said he doesn’t know if God wanted him to be president, doubts the Bible is literally true, agrees you can believe in God and evolution simultaneously, and believes Christians and th...
Vatican condemns popular infertility treatments: Reaffirms prohibition of embryonic stem cell research
In a long-awaited document, the Vatican has condemned advanced infertility treatments and contraception technologies and reaffirmed its strong prohibition of embryonic stem cell research....
Avery Dulles, theologian and cardinal, dies at 90: Worked against polarization in the church
Cardinal Avery Dulles, who left a prominent Protestant pedigree to become one of the nation’s most distinguished theologians and a prince of the Catholic Church, died December 12 at the age of 90.<...
Interim Orthodox leader picked after Alexy's death: Metropolitan Kirill
Metropolitan Kirill, considered a reformer in his approach to relations with the Russian government and the Roman Catholic Church, has been chosen as the interim leader of the Russian Orthodox Chur...
Federal program funnels charity donations to special interest groups: The Combined Federal Campaign
Some of the nation’s most controversial public policy groups receive checks from Uncle Sam about this time each year, and the relatively little known practice is perfectly legal....
PBS show ponders Obama church choices: AME church a possibility
If the Obamas were to look for a mainline church whose past includes a long line of White House occupants, they might choose National Presbyterian Church or one very close by, St....
Will the Obama family pick a black church? Another choice to dissect: Another choice to dissect
President-elect Barack Obama says that the historically black church moved him from a skeptic to a believer....
Beleaguered voice of evangelicals resigns: Richard Cizik steps down
The top Washington lobbyist for the National Association of Evangelicals, who had already faced criticism for his embrace of environmental activism, has resigned after signaling support for same-se...
Does the promise still hold? Israel and the land: A reply
I am disappointed with Marlin Jeschke’s response....
Hebrew without whining: Teaching biblical languages in Sudan
A few years ago, when I asked the head of Renk Theological College in Southern Sudan to name his top priority for the school’s faculty and curriculum, he said without hesitation: “We need biblical ...
A demanding leader: Mark 1:14-20
If it were me, I would have stayed in the fishing boat or dithered about what to do until Jesus was just a speck on the horizon.