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Reoriented: "Thy kingdom come"
Week after week, day after day, Christians pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” But the kingdom doesn’t come....
Onward to Mordor: 2 Kings 2:1-12
Why does Elijah try to spare Elisha? Does he simply prefer to die alone?
Remember the water: 2 Kings 5:1-14
Could Peter Leithart be on to something when he calls 2 Kings 5 “the richest Old Testament story of baptism,” one that “anticipates Christian baptism”?...
A hammer and a prayer: How to rebuild a city
In January I went to New Orleans with the Protestant Cooperative Ministry of Cornell University to work on a Habitat for Humanity project. My wife, Jeanene, and I drove from San Antonio through Houston and on to New Orleans. As it turned out, our journey through Houston helped us to understand the work we were about to do. I grew up on the west side of Houston, 15 miles out Interstate 10, near Katy, Texas. Our exit had nothing more than a Shell station, a small grocery store and a few shops. There wasn’t much between Katy and Houston either, mostly open country and a few familiar roads. In the late '70s I drove into Houston regularly to visit friends and sack groceries in a little store near Kirkwood Street.
God does not demand blood: The cross and divine charity
Christians have never embraced blood sacrifice. We have not offered chickens or slain goats, let alone sacrificed our firstborn children to God....
Back home in Gilead
In the last few months, virtually every mainstream periodical in the United States that pays attention to serious fiction has carried a prominent review of Marilynne Robinso...
Liberty of Conscience: InDefense ofAmerica’s Tradition of ReligiousEquality
My university had long used students’ Social Security numbers as a means of identification on class...
Approaching Yehud: NewApproaches to the Study of the Persian Period
Before considering the specific content of this book, it is useful to recognize the importance of its having ...
Jesus gets mad
Years ago I read an article in Interpretation that forever
changed my understanding of this gospel passage. The writer focused on...
All things to all people
Paul writes elsewhere that we are each given different gifts for ministry. Here he says that he, at least, does it all.
Title to come: What to call the sermon
Every other week, on Thursday afternoon, several editors at the Century gather around a cluster of filing cabinets....
Prayer and conversation: A truce in the culture war
Apart from Billy Graham, who is sidelined by age, the most influential evangelical Christian in the U.S. these days is probably author and pastor Rick Warren....
Century Marks
Older and wiser: Henry Alford, 46, has written a book about old age based on conversations with more than 100 people over 70 (How to Live). Althea Washington, a retired school teacher, lost her husband and house in Hurricane Katrina and now lives in a small apartment close to train tracks. When asked how she's coping, she responded: "Can you hear that train? As long as it stays on its tracks, I'll stay on mine" (USA Today, December 30).
Jerusalem church leaders seek halt to Gaza violence: "Deep concern, regret and shock"
The heads of Christian churches in Jerusalem have denounced the devastating hostilities in the Gaza Strip as well as “all forms of violence and killings from all parties”—an appeal in the closing d...
Tony Blair at Yale: A former P.M. reflects: Ten lessons
To the chapters of the life of a onetime prime minister and now freelance diplomat, add one more: Mr. Blair Goes to Yale....
Are religious vanity license plates a First Amendment right? State-sponsored religious advertising: State-sponsored religious advertising
In South Carolina, a district court has temporarily halted the production of state-sponsored license plates that declare “I Believe” and feature an illustration of a stained-glass window with a cro...
Survey finds changes in U.S. congregations: Demographic shifts
According to a new study, U.S. congregations have changed significantly since 1998, having become more ethnically diverse, more technologically savvy and more informal in worship....