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Donna Schaper
Donna Schaper is senior minister at Judson Memorial Church in New York City.
The Easter Maybe people
Some of us church insiders have more in common with the undecided folks than we often say.
8 ways to recruit, engage, and keep volunteers
Churches need volunteers. Those volunteers need something in return.
5 do's and 5 don'ts for using your church building well
A physical space can be at the vital center of ministry—if you don't make it an idol.
God is starting to show
Advent is the season of the showing.
Turning off the engines
This week's texts are great stewardship texts. Why not use them that way? We can ask for money more than once a year.
Insanity amid madness
This week's texts tell the story of deliverance from our many troubles. They deliver us from the oppression of self-consciousness....
A mind-body partnership
We could accuse this week's texts of setting up dichotomies: Romans
wants us to live by the spirit, not the flesh. Nicodemus and Jesus trade...
A double miracle
Some of us are in Pentecost graduate school. We're seminary-educated and
steeped in the church. We understand the preacher's dilemma when Easter...
Take a donkey
Architect Lewis Mumford argued that the beauty of a particular house comes from building it on the most challenging feature of the land. If there is a depression in the land, says Mumford, use it....
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Leadership from Inside Out
In this wonderful small book, Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, head and heart of the Reformed Church in America, giv...
Send and receive: Manners and ministry on the Internet
The most dominant form of pastoral contact in my congregation is e-mail. I love it. And I hate it. I love it more than hate it, but the contest is not over. In fact, it has just begun....
Building Effective Boards for Religious Organizations, edited by Thomas P. Holland and David C. Hester
If you are a member of one of the thousands of congregations or religious nonprofits that are in the middle of "strategic planning" or "visioning" or "long-term planning," this book is for you....
A Royal Waste of Time, by Marva J. Dawn
Marva Dawn excels at demonstrating how good worship and good liturgy meet the very needs that drive us to their substitutes....