Latest Articles
Reactive mood
The glory of American politics is that voters get to "throw the rascals
out"—whether or not they understand who the rascals are or the nature
of the crisis the nation is in. Very little could have done by any
government during this worldwide economic slowdown to address the high
unemployment, except more government stimulus, which is what voters say
they don't want.
The present of a present presence
One of the problems with moving forward is that there are times that require looking back--and not with nostalgia.
I was recently visiting with a friend who is a Vietnam veteran, describing "then" and "now."
described it like this: "When I came home, I sort of put all that
stuff in a package. You know, when I was in country, we always said
"When I get back to the world, I'm gonna...etc. etc." It was sort of
like Vietnam was "another world."
Link digest
In the right-hand sidebar of our main
blog page there's a feature called "Links from the Editors." This is where...
A review of The Melody of Faith
Guroian thinks that theology is more analogous to music than it is to architecture....
Buckle up: Congregational change isn’t easy
Change sets off a burst of emotional energy. In working with
congregations, I'm occasionally surprised by the vehemence or the source
of the emotionality, but never by its presence.
Conservatives send a warning shot in ousting Iowa judges
(RNS) Three of the seven justices on the Iowa Supreme Court who voted to
legalize same-sex marriage last year lost their jobs on Tuesday (Nov....
Oklahoma Muslims wary after Shari‘a referendum
Born and raised in Oklahoma, Sarah Albahadily will wear her headscarf
to a Brad Paisley concert and her cowboy boots to a mosque. There are...
Christians, Muslims call for joint crisis group
Global Christian and Muslim leaders meeting in Switzerland have
jointly called for the formation of a group which can be mobilized...
Sunday, November 14, 2010: Isaiah 65:17-25; Luke 21:5-19
It was the spring of 1963 in Birmingham, and it looked as if the civil rights movement would suffer yet another defeat. The powers that be had more jail space than the civil rights workers had people. But then one Sunday, reports historian Taylor Branch, 2,000 young people came out of worship at the New Pilgrim Baptist Church and prepared to march.
Feral houses in the fallen city
A few weeks ago I traveled to Detroit with
friends who wanted to show us their hometown of Wyandotte, Michigan, just south...
Inventing God
have a friend who washes windows for a living. I don't know what he used
to do. According to him he raised horses, made a lot of money, owned...
Losing ground: Less money for AIDS work
Funding for global AIDS work is declining—even though current programs are working, and antiretroviral drugs are keeping people healthier.
Supreme Court wrestles over religious scholarship program
WASHINGTON (RNS) Is a state law that allows tax credits for donations to
scholarship programs unconstitutional if most of the recipients attend
religious schools?...
Bishop compares fight over female bishops to World War II
LONDON (RNS) A leading bishop in the Church of England has triggered
fury in British religious circles by likening the debate over allowing...
Did Democrats forget faith-based outreach?
As Democrats conducted a postmortem on the November elections, some
liberal leaders declared that one diagnosis was immediately clear: the...
Craving forgiveness, but choosy in giving it
Most Americans have a desire for more forgiveness in their lives, but
they are more critical when choosing whom to forgive, according to a
new survey....
Pastors and the word "my"
Recently a fellow pastor closed a conversation by saying,
"I'll get my secretary to send you that document from my Christian Education
Blessings and woes
Since this seems to be "bare your soul week" at DT, I'm going to take the chance today to let you know that I prefer the beatitudes in Matthew over those found in Luke's text for this All Saints' D...
A review of Liberalism Without Illusions
While I was writing this review, I came across a statement from the managing editor of Christianity Today, who wrote that his magazine offers "independent journalism about an important nic...