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Hoping to avert disaster, Democrats turn to black churches
WASHINGTON (RNS) Facing an electoral bloodbath at the voting booth next
Tuesday, Democrats are turning to a key part of their base --...
Gays tell bullied teens ‘It gets better’; clergy decry ‘religious’ attacks
A Catholic writer in upstate New York, a Muslim college student from Connecticut and an ex-Mormon attorney in the San Francisco Bay Area have joined a chorus of testimonials on YouTube aimed at pre...
National Cathedral hires a new resident mouse chaser
WASHINGTON (RNS) The newest employee at Washington National Cathedral
was nowhere to be found in her office on a recent afternoon. She was...
Gulf Coast food banks still in high demand
NEW ORLEANS (RNS) Even with the deep sea oil hemorrhage halted and
much of the fishing in the Gulf of Mexico reopened, major charity groups...
Christianity's contributions mostly negative, Americans say
(RNS) When asked about Christianity's recent contributions to
society, Americans cited more negatives than benefits, according to a
new survey....
On the fault line: Christian-Muslim encounters in Nigeria
Nigeria is Africa's most populous nation, and nearly half of its people are
Christians. They are often in conflict,
sometimes violent conflict, with Muslims.
A pastor's hours
When I make a new non-churchy friend, he or she often asks
what exactly I do with my time as a pastor outside Sunday morning....
Commending the Faith
This past Saturday, I attended John Stackhouse’s
lectures on faith, reason, and the new atheism down at the Vancouver...
"And to the gospel, for which it stands"
Unlike Mary Valle, who recently heard of the Christian flag for the first time, I grew up pledging allegi...
Oasis in Cambridge
The United Reformed Church of Great Britain has about 75,000 members in 1,600 congregations. It has been declining in membership for years....
Tension in Sudan ahead of vote is dangerous, warns church envoy
Nairobi, October 25 (ENI)--A former general secretary of the World Council of Churches has warned that tension in Sudan ahead of a plebiscite on independence for the south of Africa's biggest count...
Pastor at center of aborted Quran burn gets a new car
SOUTH BRUNSWICK, N.J. (RNS) Florida Pastor Terry Jones held the keys
to his black 2011 Hyundai Accent for only a few minutes on Friday (Oct....
Hollywood probes spiritual subjects without getting preachy
(RNS) The New Testament warns about trying to serve two masters. But
lately Hollywood's ordered up a rewrite.
U.S. bishop says Jews have no `exclusive right' to Israel
VATICAN CITY (RNS) A special Vatican meeting on the Middle East
ended Saturday (Oct. 23) with a flare-up in Catholic-Jewish tensions,...
Travel narratives
The gospel reading for October 31 comes toward the end of what most Lucan scholars call Luke's travel narrative. It begins ten chapters earlier at 9:51, where Luke tells us, "When the days drew near for Jesus to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem."
One would expect to follow Jesus' progress on a map—but the coordinates make no geographical sense.
Blogging: Subculture or mainstream?
blogging about blogging can be the ultimate navel-gazing, but hear me out; I
mean to intrigue. ...
Stuck in the middle with you
My friend, Larry Kamphausen, posted an interesting essay on his blog recently....
A review of Ancient Laws and Contemporary Controversies
Some of the most difficult challenges confronting Christian commitments to an inclusive vision of human well-being involve the effective disclosure of well-established, taken-for-granted practices ...
No exemptions for faith
Earlier this year, a group of English bishops charged that the nation's Christians faced systematic discrimination that endangered their right to hold public office....