Latest Articles
Pope outlines scope of Irish abuse probe
VATICAN CITY (RNS) The Catholic archbishops of New York and Boston
will meet personally with victims of abusive priests as part of a...
Swedish archbishop points to changes in Chinese Protestantism
Hong Kong, November 12 (ENInews)--Changes in the make up of Chinese Christianity may make the officially-sanctioned China Christian Council less important, says the head of the (Lutheran) Church of...
Mormons soften language on gays
(RNS) A newly published compilation of guidelines used worldwide by
leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has softened
the language about gay Mormons....
Link digest
Wow. Apparently competitive marathon preaching is a thing.
Almost six hours....
A review of Good Value
Stephen Green would be the first to tell you that he has led a
privileged life. Indeed, he acknowledges his privilege throughout his...
Sunday, November 21, 2010
For the healing we need, we cannot do better than to rely on the ancient assurances of Zechariah's hymn. Written in a time of occupation and economic disarray that eclipses our own in its uncertainty, the hymn proclaims that we are indeed free, whatever our brokenness, to worship God without fear.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
For the healing we need, we cannot do better than to rely on the ancient assurances of Zechariah's hymn. Written in a time of occupation and economic disarray that eclipses our own in its uncertainty, the hymn proclaims that we are indeed free, whatever our brokenness, to worship God without fear.
Poll: Americans of all faiths see a civility problem in U.S. politics
(RNS) Whether they rally behind Fox News' Glenn Beck to "Restore Honor"
or Comedy Central's Jon Stewart to "Restore Sanity," Americans agree on...
Global church leaders credits U.S. churches for ecumenical change in last century
New York, November 11 (ENInews)--The head of the World Council of Churches has affirmed its ties with the U.S....
Veterans Day
On this day in 1918, World War I ended. Wikipedia says that there was a "cessation of hostilities." That gets it about right. There was not peace and there was not justice; people were just sick and tired of war.
Why I go to church
When I sit in church on Sunday mornings, I sometimes look
around at the other congregants and ask myself, "Why are these people here? Why...
What Genesis doesn’t say: Rethinking the creation story
We labor under the illusion that if the clock stopped between creation and Fall or between Fall and redemption, they would make sense on their own. But nothing could be more misleading.
12,000 American Muslims to make pilgrimage to Mecca
(RNS) Some 12,000 American Muslims are expected to join an estimated
2.5 million pilgrims in the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca for the hajj,...
In Bush memoir, faith a small but constant factor
WASHINGTON (RNS) Former President George W. Bush made no secret that his
politics were tinged by his religious faith, but now says he never would...
Netanyahu tells U.S. Jews he won't allow nukes for Iran
NEW ORLEANS (RNS) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told
thousands of American Jewish leaders that Israel will not allow Iran to...
'Truth commission' urges change in conscientious-objector status
WASHINGTON (ABP) -- A coalition of more than 60 religious, veterans,
academic and advocacy groups called on the United States military Nov....
Judge puts hold on Okla. anti-Shariah amendment
(RNS) Lawyers for the Oklahoma Attorney General's office have two
weeks to convince a federal judge to remove a temporary hold on a...
Zimbabwe church groups warn over new elections
Harare, November 10 (ENInews)--Church and rights groups in Zimbabwe have warned against new elections saying the situation in the country is "highly volatile, uncertain and tense" after a bloody pr...
Bishops play defense on anti-poverty initiative
(RNS) For four decades, the U.S. Catholic bishops have maintained a
nationwide program designed to help the poor lift themselves out of...