Marriage among Americans who have graduated from high school but not
college is on the decline, and their religious attendance has dropped at
the same time, a new report shows....
When the lectionary tells me I can skip a few verses, I am not suspicious. I don't ask what secret is being kept from me or what doctrine is being protected....
New York, December 7 (ENInews)--The King James Bible may not be the dominant cultural reference point it once was in the United States, but it still influences contemporary letters in the country, ...
The birth of Jesus contradicts the idea of a God who "lay above the earth like a layer of icy cirrus." The birth means that we encounter God, not only in elegant theology but in work and in our enjoyment of beauty, friendship and love—in love particularly.
Rome, December 6 (ENInews)--The head of the World Council of Churches in his first official meeting with Pope Benedict XVI has said he wants to strengthen cooperation with the Roman Catholic Church...
WASHINGTON (RNS) The typical member of a fast-growing atheist
association is a highly educated, married white male who grew up with
religious parents.
typically think of name-calling as trash talk, violent speech, all harm and no
good. Often it is. In the aftermath of the midterm elections, I'm well past my
quota of derogation and defamation. But not all name-calling is violence.
The mantra of the real estate business is "location, location, location." In this attention-meriting book, the mantra is "local, local, local." John McKnight (professor emeritus at Northweste...
Philip Jenkins has argued that Christianity's future is an African one. If so, what does the area poised to become Africa's newest independent nation tell us about Christianity's future?
I can't stand the word "entitlement." I use it sometimes, when people annoy me with their belief that the world owes them something or that their needs are more important than those of others....