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Sunday, November 28, 2010: Matthew 24:36-44
As a child, I remember hearing in church about the second coming and Jesus returning....
EU commissioner questions Polish-church bar on gay teachers
Warsaw, November 18 (ENInews)--A European Union commissioner has rejected claims
by a Polish government minister that her country's Roman Catholic schools can...
Faith seeking wisdom
Two inseparable, inexhaustible themes have fascinated me more and more: love and the Holy Spirit.
Bass bias?
When my congregation intones the Lord's Prayer, everyone seems
to use a cellar voice. We sound like a bass section, women and children
The enemy of spirituality
Spiritual but not religious. Good Grief! Not that again. How often do we have to go over that ground?...
A review of Reset
In the Middle East, the United States has poured money and arms into two principal allies: Israel and Saudi Arabia....
Shared devotion
The deep attention and reverence that Thomas Merton and Abdul Aziz brought to each other's books, traditions and lives undergirded their friendship, and the frank way they explored their similarities and differences enlivened it.
Polish church ready to unveil world's largest Christ statue
Warsaw, November 17 (ENInews)--A Polish bishop has invited fellow Roman Catholics at home and abroad to attend an unveiling on 21 November of the world's largest statue of Christ....
Williams, in Rome, says women priests shouldn't be stumbling block
VATICAN CITY (RNS) A week and a half after losing five Anglican
bishops to the Catholic Church, the leader of the worldwide Anglican...
Bishops OK baptism pact with Reformed churches
In a "milestone" pact six years in the making, the U.S. Catholic
bishops approved a mutual agreement with four Reformed Protestant...
Israel finds more to like about Christian Zionists
When Texas megachurch pastor John Hagee wrapped up a recent visit to
Israel with 40 pastors in tow, he sought out the places where Jesus...
Faith-based reform gets mixed reviews
President Obama has signed an executive order that reforms the White
House's faith-based office in a bid to improve transparency and clarify...
Challenges for missions
I'd like to see this award-winning journalist's book read by
all Christians--from evangelicals who believe that their life's calling is to save
souls to those Christians who, while denouncing proselytizing, feel called to offer
compassionate, practical aid to those who need help. For either of the above
missionary types, Griswold dispels illusions. She is fearless in following a story
into the most remote village, and wise in her understanding of how religions
collide and inflame and exacerbate volatile situations.
On not growing in faith and knowledge
In recent conversations with my seminary classmates, we've
been lamenting the state of Christian education. In many churches it is evident
that the average member hasn't grown in religious or biblical knowledge since he
or she heard moralistic tales of Noah, Esther or Daniel as a child. Some even resist
pastoral attempts to expand their Christian knowledge, and they simply refuse
to learn about other
religions. As seminarians, we are struggling with how to respond to this.
Clash of cultures?
What happens when an anthropologist who happens to be a Pakistani, a former diplomat and a member of the Incident Management Team of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security shows up at 100 American mosques armed with questionnaires and a few white student research assistants? For the most part, nothing very controversial.
Seminary for teens: Lilly’s Youth Theological Initiative
Rivonte Moore, 17, doesn't think of himself as a theologian....
The young "nones"
Youth are not the future of the church—they already are the church." That claim is often made by those with a heart for youth ministry....
British Muslims and Christians jointly condemn Iraq church attack
London, November 16 (ENInews)--Christian and Muslim leaders in
Britain have joined in support of Christian communities in Iraq...
German church allows gay pastors to live with partners
BERLIN (RNS) Gay and lesbian Lutheran ministers in the conservative
German state of Bavaria may live with their partners in parish...