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Sunday, February 20, 2011: Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18; 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23; Matthew 5:38-48
Here are texts that say to the church: "You are holy."
Biggest obstacle for Catholic nuns lies at home
(RNS) If she had listened to her parents, Sister Jenn Graus might never
have professed vows last month to join the Congregation of St. Joseph.
Consumer protection chief seeks allies in faith leaders
WASHINGTON (RNS) The architect of the Obama administration's new
consumer protection bureau met with faith-based groups Tuesday (Feb. 8)...
Russian Orthodox Clergy May Run for Office
Moscow, February 8 (ENInews)--The Russian Orthodox Church has ruled that hierarchs (church leaders) and clergy can run for office in exceptional cases when their presence is needed to fight "forces...
Our whole selves
The current issue of Marie Claire contains an interview with a young, unmarried pastor whose calling impacts her sex life--because her ordination vows include celibacy in singleness.
Borrowed faith
Woven deeply into the fabric of
Protestant Christianity is the idea that faith is something you must own...
Water in worship: The ecology of baptism
The Christian heritage of praying next to water is older than Christianity itself, being deeply influenced by our Jewish heritage. One of our stunning water-prayer treasures is Psalm 104.
The Fighter
Boxing movies are hardly ever about boxing. This one's real subject is the pull of family.
Ohio's Catholic bishops urge end to death penalty
COLUMBUS, Ohio (RNS) The Catholic bishops of Ohio are calling on Gov.
John Kasich and state lawmakers to abolish the state's death penalty.
Growing Christians: A four-stage catechism
I can see it in their eyes. It's orientation night for those who are considering our church's catechumenal process. You want me to do all that?
Going deeper
Formation in faith does not happen by accident. It happens when churches
puts commitment and creativity into the process and believe that the
Holy Spirit is sure to show up.
Controversial N.Y. mosque loses another leader
(RNS) The proposed Park51 Islamic community center and mosque project
near Ground Zero is again looking for a top imam after Sheik Abdallah...
Obama picks new round of faith-based advisers
President Obama has named some top U.S. church leaders to an advisory
council on faith-based programs, but the list of appointments is...
Muslim Brotherhood figure disdained U.S. morality
Is the pop standard "Baby It's Cold Outside" a heartwarming ode to
winter romance or the worst example of American hedonism? After hearing...
Life-and-death choices
This is not a Sunday for soft-pedalling the gospel. Moses and Jesus portray the life of faith as a "yes" or a "no" to God with lives that obey or that disobey. It is little wonder that it is common to summarize Jesus' teachings in the Sermon on the Mount with one verse, the "Golden Rule" (Matthew 7:12).
Legitimate ignorance vs. willful deception in biblical language
A recent comment suggested that language in the Bible such as
storehouses of snow, the dome over the earth, the earth's immovable...
Churches call for passage of UN resolution on Israel
New York, February 4 (ENInews)--A coalition of U.S....
Australian Anglicans engage atheists online
Canberra, February 4 (ENInews)--Outspoken atheists have captured attention worldwide; now, Australian Anglicans have launched a website encouraging Christians to enter the debate....
Praying for Egypt isn't enough
It always feels a bit odd to me to pray for justice in the world--better to work for
justice and to pray for the courage and wherewithal to keep at it. Of...