WASHINGTON (RNS) Many economists warn that the government's huge
national debt is a looming threat to long-term prosperity. But is it
also immoral?
Twain wearied of lecture tours and struggled with guilt over his absence when two of his daughters died. In his final years, the public seemed to want Twain himself more than his books.
Not long ago, European religious cinema thrived. Now, religion typically appears in films only as a problem--and the solution to that problem is usually liberated sexuality.
Nairobi, February 15 (ENInews)--A global rollout of pneumococcal vaccine aimed at treating pneumonia in infants has come as a welcome development for faith groups who are significant deliverers of ...
San Pedro Sula, Honduras, February 15 (ENInews)--The Christian Lutheran Church of Honduras (ICLH) has urged sister churches around the world to pray for an end to the wave of violence that continue...
No one knows how the Egyptian drama will play out. But it has so far
confirmed the extraordinary power that can be exerted by ordinary people
when they are organized, determined and peaceful.
When I first read Wendell Berry's 1985 essay "What Are People For?" 12 years ago, I was in college preparing to do exactly what Berry says that colleges prepare people to do—move to someplace...
While producing award-winning chocolate, Shawn Askinosie seeks to create a business in which everyone involved—from farmer to factory worker to buyer—thrives.
New York, February 14 (ENInews)--Trends in church membership in the United States remain stable, with churches that have grown in recent years showing continued growth and those with declining memb...
Nairobi, February 14 (ENInews)--Religious leaders in Uganda have welcomed pledges from presidential candidates for a violence-free election, due to take place 18 February....
(RNS) Houses of worship and other charities often aren't in competition
for dollars but instead tend to reap donations from similar donors, a
new study shows.
DALLAS (ABP) -- The governing body of Baylor University, the world’s
largest Baptist academic institution, now may include Christians who are
not Baptists....
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, February 14 (ENInews)--Representatives of the Episcopal Church and the two provinces of the Moravian Church in North America on 10 February formally inaugurated a full-comm...