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My father’s butcher shop: Lessons learned and unlearned
Working in the shop gave bone and muscle to my pastoral identity. But it also taught me to anesthetize anxiety with long hours, to work out of fear of failing.
Alan Wolfe on Metaxas's Bonhoeffer
In the Feb. 3 New Republic, Alan Wolfe, the magazine's...
Report says crime up at U.S. churches
(RNS) Each week brings an average of two arsons, seven thefts, and 19
burglaries at U.S. churches, according to Christian Security Network's...
Sudanese churches seek action on Ugandan rebel group
Juba, Southern Sudan, February 9 (ENInews)--Church leaders in Southern Sudan have called for urgent strategies to end threats caused by northern Uganda's rebel group, the Lord's Resistance Army (LR...
Court: Jehovah's Witnesses need better access to homes
(RNS) A federal appeals court ruled Monday (Feb. 7) that a Puerto Rican
law intended to keep neighborhoods safe from crime has been used...
Vatican says iPhone apps won't forgive sins
VATICAN CITY (RNS) Just in case Catholics are wondering if a new iPhone
app might be able to forgive their sins, the Vatican has issued a
clarification: No.
PCUSA court clears cleric in gay marriage case
The top court of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has found a Boston
minister not guilty of violating church rules against performing gay...
Pop singer Justin Bieber also low-key evangelist
With a smooth voice, a signature mop of hair and a string of hits,
Canadian singer Justin Bieber has accumulated millions of fans, and last...
Catholic relics and papal remains
When Vatican officials announced recently that Pope Benedict XVI's
2005 election rendered his organ donor card null and void, they offered...
A show about dependence
Friday Night Lights, which ends tonight, portrays a small town and the relationships within it. The show is steadfastly conventional, commercially unsuccessful and the best thing on television.
Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land, by Joseph E. Lowery
Joseph Lowery is a survivor of the civil rights movement, a compelling Methodist preacher and a fearless advocate for the underdog....
James P. Wind's formative moments
One Sunday morning in the late 1950s, as I inched along in the line
waiting to shake hands with my pastor after worship, I was singled out....
Michael Jinkins's formative moments
I remember a conversation my mother and I had one day after worship
in the small rural church in which I grew up and where she and my dad...
Amos Yong's formative moments
Six hours at a summer church camp altar in 1977 set the trajectory
for my life. It was then, at the age of 12, that over the course of...
Don C. Richter's formative moments
At age 12 I decided (with lots of encouragement) to become a
communicant member of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Decatur,...
Richard H. Bliese's formative moments
My mother, after having experienced the power of the charismatic
renewal in the early 1970s, cornered my father, a faithful Lutheran...
Kathleen Norris's formative moments
My formal theological training began and ended with a course on the
scriptures in eighth grade, leaving me with all the faults of the...
Thomas Lynch's formative moments
I was raised by Irish Catholics. Even as I write that it sounds a
little like "wolves" or some especially feral class of creature. I don't...
Formative moments: Faith at an early age
The term theological education brings to mind formal study. But people's deepest
convictions about God and their deepest stirrings of faith are often
formed at an early age.