Latest Articles
Land says jury out on whether war in Libya 'just'
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (ABP) – Southern Baptists’ top public-policy expert
said April 2 that whether or not President Obama’s action in Libya...
Report: Ambassador spends too much time on religion
WASHINGTON (RNS) The U.S. ambassador to Malta, who helped rally Catholic
support for President Obama's 2008 campaign, has spent "considerable...
Think you'll need last rites? Better plan ahead
CLEVELAND (RNS) In days long gone, Roman Catholic priests regularly made
deathbed house calls, even in the middle of the night with little...
Jewish group gives Passover cheer for Beck's exit
(RNS) A Jewish organization is celebrating Passover two weeks early,
proclaiming freedom from Glenn Beck's television show....
Survey finds discontent among Australian Catholic priests
Sydney, April 5 (ENInews)--Many of Australia's 3000 active and retired Catholic priests are critical of their bishops and admit they do not believe crucial church teachings, according to a survey t...
Churches address refugee flight from Libyan chaos
The World Council of Churches, the Conference of European Churches
and the Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe have expressed...
Against Passion Sunday
I am thinking of starting a campaign to bring back Palm Sunday, without the additional observance of Passion Sunday....
How to read a book (and not miss the point)
So, I’ve finally read Rob Bell’s Love Wins
and am working on a review. When I think about all the controversy
surrounding the book, I wish more people had a chance to take a study
seminar I took while studying at Regent College.
Fictional pastors
Douglas Alan Walrath's astute survey of American novels about clergy is essential reading for budding pastors—as well as
for anybody who wants to understand why we American
clergy are the way we are.
When Blood and Bones Cry Out, by John Paul Lederach and Angela Jill Lederach
John Paul Lederach, practitioner and theorist of peace building, has grounded his work in stories and metaphor....
And Jesus sang
After Jesus shared his last supper with his friends, they sang a hymn together. There is every reason to believe it was the Hallel, Psalms 113 through 118. How have I missed this before?
of the funny sidelights of owning a chiminea (and Facebooking about
making fires in it on a frequent basis) is that I have kind of become
the "Parish incinerator for holy objects." Things like slightly
"off-smelling" chrism, leftover blessed palm fronds, or worn out
corporals or altar linens seem to find their way into my chiminea to be
burned. I think part of it is folks in my parish know I love to burn
stuff, and they also know my fire-sitting spot is, at least to me, a
holy space.
Link digest
Subscribe to the Century editors' link blogging by feed.
Solidarity in honor of Dr. King.
How, and how not, to stimulate the economy.
Bob Herbert's vision
I'm late to this, but I can't let it pass by: I'm really going to miss Bob Herbert's op-eds in the New York Times. I think E.J....
Power, Politics, and the Missouri Synod by James C. Burkee
One of the nastiest church fights in American history took place in the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod in the late 1960s and early 1970s....
Global engagement
The Vietnam War forced Protestant ethicists to consider Catholic teachings about war, and I learned much from Catholic colleagues. My outlook was also changed by ecumenical contacts of another kind.
Excommunicated church thrives despite censure
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (RNS) At Spiritus Christi Church, the choir sings the
lyrics of "Amazing Grace" to the tune of "House of the Rising Sun" -- a
song about a brothel....
Kenya Christians and Muslims debate hijab in schools
Nairobi, Kenya, April 7 (ENInews)--Muslim leaders in Kenya are calling for government action on Christian schools that have banned students from wearing hijab, the head covering traditionally worn ...
Pope mourns deaths of Libyan refugees
VATICAN CITY (RNS) Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday (April 7) lamented the
"tragedy" of a growing number of African migrants who have drowned in...
On forgiveness and moving on
A generally excellent sermon I heard on Sunday (sadly not on
th’Interweb yet) made an interesting point that stuck with me, quoting
from Colossians 3:13...