Our service ended with a Eucharist, celebrated at an
imposing altar. I
learned to make my gestures big, to open my arms wide, to lift the cup
above my head. What I never quite got the hang of was the chanting.
JERUSALEM (RNS) The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to tackle the question
of whether American passports issued to children born in Jerusalem
should include the word "Israel."...
TORONTO (RNS) A former Roman Catholic bishop in Nova Scotia has pleaded
guilty to trying to import child pornography after he was arrested in
2009 returning from a trip to Thailand....
A friend posted this to Facebook the other day: "'Burial at sea is a weird choice, and only invites suspicion, but I really don't want to have to see the photographs, either.'" - Martin Luther King, Jr."
Eliza Griswold's book is a nearly perfect puzzle. On the one hand, she is doing some of the most important religious journalism being done these days....
When the great theologian Karl Barth was charged with being a
universalist, he reportedly denied it, but then quoted 1 John: "Christ
died for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the
whole world."
"For God and country,” said the SEAL team commander. But if the God that Augustine had in mind were to shape how we think about war, there wouldn’t be much room to celebrate the killing of Osama bin Laden.
Every now and then, pastor Amy Butler will find herself having to do a
little simultaneous parenting and preaching from her pulpit at Calvary
Baptist Church in downtown Washington....
Vogan is one of the most dedicated church members I know. Every Sunday, 15
minutes before the prelude begins, he climbs up into our soaring, Gothic tower...