Latest Articles
Court says Adventist postmen can't get Saturday off
(RNS) Neither snow nor rain nor Saturday Sabbaths should keep a Missouri
mailman from his appointed rounds, a federal appeals court has ruled....
High Court takes dim view of church-state barrier
The Supreme Court has rejected a challenge to an Arizona school
tuition credit program that critics contend has principally benefited...
Kangaroo care
Lately I've been thinking about Jesus' raising of Lazarus as the impetus for the authorities' wanting Jesus dead....
Anger and longing
When Arcade Fire won a Grammy for album of the year, Win Butler came to the podium clinging to his identity as one of
the band geeks. "We're gonna go play another song because we like
music"—just in case anyone had forgotten about the music after Lady Gaga emerged from an egg,
Katy Perry swung from the ceiling and Gwyneth Paltrow danced on a piano.
Excommunicated priest now faces expulsion
NEW ORLEANS (RNS) The Rev. Roy Bourgeois, the Louisiana native and peace
activist who was excommunicated three years ago for publicly supporting...
Court accepts Wiley Drake's 'birther' appeal
PASADENA, Calif. (ABP) -- Nearly two-and-a-half years into his term, a
federal appeals court has agreed to hear oral arguments in a case...
Catholic bishops censure feminist theologian's book
WASHINGTON (RNS) The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops condemned a
book by Sister Elizabeth Johnson, a prominent feminist theologian,...
British millionaire buys then donates religious paintings
Canterbury, England, April 1 (ENInews)--A self-effacing multi-millionaire, Jonathan Ruffer, 59, has become a cultural icon here after buying a series of 17th century religious paintings from the An...
Hajj suit raises host of questions
WASHINGTON (RNS) In 2008, Safoorah Khan, a math teacher in Illinois,
asked for 15 days of unpaid leave (19 days including weekends) to make a...
Deadly Afghan riots blamed on Quran burning at Fla. church
(RNS) The Florida pastor who presided over the recent burning of a Quran
said the United Nations must protect Afghans from deadly riots, even as...
No common good?
The common good is taking a beating. Economic inequality has accelerated dramatically since the early 1980s, and many think nothing can be done about it. But that verdict is a nonstarter for Christian morality.
Tax benefit
Paying taxes in this country is ordinarily accompanied by much
grumbling. But paying taxes is not just a
legal duty but a moral opportunity.
Charitable giving stable while recession ebbs
Charities are seeing improvements in fund-raising, with fewer charities recording declines in 2010 compared with 2009, according to a recent report....
Obama praised, criticized for visit to Romero tomb
President Barack Obama's visit in March to the tomb of the late Oscar Romero, the martyred archbishop who was assassinated 31 years ago, is getting mixed reviews by U.S. commentators....
Group says Park Service stalls on faith displays
A national alliance of public employees is accusing the National Park
Service of "leadership paralysis" for not addressing questions about
religious displays at federal parks....
He revives my soul
I believe in evil. I believe that evil has a face and hands and pulls a
lot of strings. I have too much experience of strange circumstances...
Link digest
Subscribe to the Century editors' link blogging by feed.
How not to silence Elizabeth Johnson.
Fr. Roy Bourgeois faces 'laicization': Hero or heretic?
When despair is funny
Much of the most delightfully silly online humor follows a particular formula: a single good idea that alters or plays on a pop-cultural artifact; execution that relies on computer technology, but not too much (some simple Photoshop work, a couple lines of code); loads of nostalgia.
Jews pressure Facebook over Palestinian page
(RNS) Facebook shut down a "Third Palestinian Intifada" page and similar
groups this week, prompted by complaints from Jewish groups that the...