Latest Articles
Hip-hop embraced as an evangelistic tool
It's hard to get young people into the pews on a Sunday morning, but
several seminaries think they have found a way to grab the next
generation: hip-hop....
A brave and wise Penn State student
The young man in this video should be a source of some small pride for Penn State right now.
Commodity dating?
Writer Kate Bolick is 39 and single; I've been married since I was 24. By the logic of her Atlantic article, this means I won something in the "dating game" and she lost something.
Freedom of religion in Russia faces increased limits
November 9 (ENInews)--A veteran human rights campaigner has warned of growing restrictions on religious freedom in Russia, and urged Western governments and churches to do more to address the issue...
Kinnamon leaving NCC for health reasons
Michael Kinnamon, a longtime ecumenical leader who has headed the
National Council of Churches since 2007, announced that he will leave...
After Mississippi defeat, what about ‘personhood’?
The failure of the "personhood" initiative in Mississippi in November
intensified what appears to be a growing divide in the antiabortion
What Jon Huntsman is willing to say
A good point from James Fearon: A while back, Jon Hunstman talked to David Weigel
about his serious love for Captain Beefheart, a recording artist about
five clicks too polarizingly odd for most presidential candidates (of
either party) to admit to ever having even heard.
God is for us
When I combined the popular ideas of God in my mind, I ended up with a strange stew—a lover God who would torture me with fire if I stepped out of line and bless me with diamonds if I obeyed. In other words, my image of God had a serious borderline personality disorder.
Links? Links.
Here are some things I read recently but didn't get around to blogging about.
I’ll Never Get Out of This World Alive, by Steve Earle
At a book signing,
Steve Earle was speaking when someone leaned
on a light switch and the windowless room went dark. "Did I die?" Earle asked in a quiet voice.
Faking it
Can I be a minister for others, many students wonder, if my own beliefs are in flux?
Sunday, November 20, 2011: Matthew 25:31-46
I'm not a big fan of reality TV, yet I'm drawn to one reality show: Undercover Boss.
God was in Christ reconciling the world
Christ effected our reconciliation with God and invested in us, so that we may become teeming vessels of witness and service to others.
"The church has not posed any theory in that regard."
The Catholic bishops' media-relations director: "While the general
population has debated whether it's nurture or nature that leads to a
homosexual inclination, the church has not posed any theory in that