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Victim blaming in Pennsylvania
The Patriot-News of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania reports that "Victim One," the first of for...
Links? Links.
Here are some things I read recently but didn't get around to blogging about.
Generous forgiveness
In Justice in Love, Nicholas Wolterstorff rejects egoism, eudaemonism and utilitarianism as inadequate ways to think about the practice of well-being.
Pearl of great price: A girl claims her faith
On Sundays, my mother stayed home and read the paper. Yet she insisted that we kids go to church.
Gifts already received
Patience is not one of my virtues, as those closest to me know. I want answers now, clarity now, unresolved issues settled now, anxiety lifted now.
Ten church models for a new generation
I’m in a lot of conversations about why the denominational church isn’t working. But what about the communities that are ministering well? What about new communities?
Memories of persecution
Once upon a time—and not long ago—there was another Europe. The religious story of communist Europe, in which Christians suffered horrific persecutions, is forgotten by most Americans today.
As Uganda re-considers anti-gay law, former bishop calls for tolerance
(ENInews)--As legislators in Uganda prepare to re-open debate on a bill that would harshly punish homosexuals, a church leader who campaigns for gay rights has renewed his call for tolerance and co...
Students 'do interfaith' through universal language of music
DURHAM, N.C. (RNS) Say the word "interfaith" and the next word to roll off the tongue is probably "dialogue." It's hard to think of one without the other....
Crystal Cathedral is cautionary tale for pastors
(RNS) The cash-strapped Crystal Cathedral's pending transformation from a Protestant megachurch to a Roman Catholic cathedral should teach pastors not to spend millions on ornate buildings, a megac...
So what church DID that Adam Sandler movie shoot in?
A couple issues ago the Century ran an article
by Matt Fitzgerald of Wellesley Hills UCC in Massachusetts, a church
approached by a movie studio that needed a space rental to shoot an
upcoming Adam Sandler movie.
A Scotch with the 1 percent
If you want to read interesting on-the-ground reporting on the Occupy movement, you could do a lot worse than following Ezra Silk....
Reacting to the bomb to come
I was doing some research at the public library the other day, paging through LIFE
magazines from 1970. Ecology—as in acid rain, etc.—was an issue of...
From Disgust to Humanity, by Martha C. Nussbaum
Martha Nussbaum's perspective cuts to the heart of our tendency to exclude others when they
fail to live up to expectations about how "good
people" should be.
Take Shelter
Take Shelter deals with the end of the world in a creepier and even more metaphoric manner than von Trier's Melancholia.
Artists in worship: The church as patron
Mercy Seat spends about
$27,000 a year on the arts—a quarter of its annual budget. At
those rates, the church is one of the better-paying gigs in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area.
New harmonies: Music and identity at four congregations
Some post-worship-war churches revel in musical eclecticism. Others have a singular approach and sound, rendering the terms traditional and contemporary irrelevant.