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Austria's dissident Catholics urged to "maintain church unity"
November 17 (ENInews)--Austria's Roman Catholic bishops have rejected a call by dissident church members for laypeople to begin presiding at Mass when parishes have no priests, but the bishops also...
Pakistani parliament criticizes murders of Hindus
November 16 (ENInews)--Pakistan's parliament on 15 November condemned the killing of three Hindu brothers at a medical clinic in what observers said was an unusual show of support for religious min...
Tea Party, Occupy movements fail to capture Americans' hearts
WASHINGTON (RNS) In a war between the Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Street movement to capture the hearts of Americans, who wins? According to a new poll, it's a draw.
Christ's humanity occasions our divinity
According to both Irenaus
and Athanasios, God became like us so that we might become like God. Clement
observes that through obedience one "becomes a god while still walking in
the flesh."
The Pentecostal and science promise
The Pentecostal tradition offers one of, if not the, most
exciting conversation partners in the science-and-religion dialogue....
New article on church music
Along with my work at the Century, I work part-time as a church musician (at Christ Lutheran on Chicago's northwest side)....
To tell the truth: Nobel winner Leymah Gbowee
If Martin Luther King Jr. had written a book exposing his personal failings, it would have been seen as undermining his cause. But Leymah Gbowee does not want to be thought of as a hero.
Benetton pulls pope-kissing ad
VATICAN CITY (RNS) International clothing retailer Benetton pulled a provocative ad featuring Pope Benedict XVI kissing a Muslim cleric on Wednesday (Nov....
Sexual abusers hard to profile or predict
c. 2011 USA Today
(RNS) The grand jury report reads like a textbook profile of child sexual abuse....
Catholics to launch shelter for Anglicans on Jan. 1
(RNS) A new Roman Catholic structure for Anglican converts in the United States will be formally launched on Jan. 1, Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington announced Tuesday (Nov. 15).
Caught in Vojvodina: The plight of ethnic Hungarians
The Kosovo crisis has created an extremely precarious situation for ethnic Hungarians who live in Vojvodina, the northern portion of Serbia on the border of Hungary....
"Only old people write their memoirs"
I talked to Leymah Gbowee
about the writing of her memoir of the Liberian Women's Mass Action for Peace,
Mighty Be Our Powers.
"Detroit is right next to Dearborn"
TLC has a new reality show about American Muslims, set in Dearborn, Michigan. American Muslim Aman Ali has a spirited response.
To tell the truth: Nobel winner Leymah Gbowee
If Martin Luther King Jr. had written a book exposing his personal failings, it would have been seen as undermining his cause. But Leymah Gbowee does not want to be thought of as a hero.
Rethinking Poverty, by James P. Bailey
James Bailey has written a superb, creative and timely book whose
primary audience should be the U.S. Congress. Unfortunately, the
current members of Congress do not seem to possess the intellectual
wattage necessary to profit from it.
Two faiths, one God? Miroslav Volf meets evangelical critics: Miroslav Volf meets evangelical critics
Miroslav Volf believes that Christians and Muslims
worship the same God. On November 3 he took that argument to
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Catholic bishop backtracks on limiting Communion wine
(RNS) The Roman Catholic bishop of Phoenix has backtracked on plans to restrict Communion wine at Mass after a local outcry and consultation with other bishops.