German Catholics and Protestants create online worship listings
Berlin (ENInews)--As Palm Sunday and Holy Week get closer,
Catholics and Protestants are cooperating on a new website that allows German
Christians to find their nearest church service, anywhere in the country, any
day of the year.
"The dates of worship services -- including rosary devotions, children's
worship, Taizé prayer, Eucharist and Passion services -- can be accessed
with a mouse click by Internet users," the Catholic Bishops Conference and the
Council of the Protestant Church in Germany, who are backing the project,
said in a statement.
Church communities across the country and of all denominations are being
encouraged to log in and add details of their services to the database,
which provides maps and photos and can be accessed from smartphones by
worshippers on the move.
The faithful can also filter the search by language, bringing up only
services in German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Croatian, Latin,
Dutch, Russian or even sign language.
The project was inspired by similar websites that have provided extensive
listings for Christmas and Easter services since the year 2000. Last
Christmas, more than 50,000 services registered on the site.