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The Republic of Rock, by Michael J. Kramer
During the Vietnam War, San Francisco was the center of antiwar protest and the counterculture....
Thomas Aquinas, by Denys Turner
The many biographies of Thomas Aquinas range from the popular and hagiographic to the scholarly. But all writers on the saint agree that Thomas was notoriously reticent about his own life....
Giving to be forgiven: Alms in the Bible
In the Bible, forgiveness involves repayment of what is owed. One way to pay down the debt is through charity to the poor.
Pope Francis celebrates Mass with wafers made by Argentine inmate
c. 2013 Religion News Service...
Converted in 1963
I wanted to join a group of pastors going to the March on Washington. But I had young children—and no money for bus fare and meals—so I didn’t. I've rued it ever since.
Emergent church targeted at Values Voter Summit
Christian conservatives who think Satan is using communism and Islam to bring down America can add a new “adversary” to the list: the emergent church movement....
The March on Washington in the Century
"Integrate the integration march!" said the headline. The editors joined the NCC and others in calling for "40,000 white churchmen" to participate in the March on Washington.
Wednesday digest
New today (and yesterday) from the Century: the March on Washington, liberal arts for Muslims, almsgiving in the Bible, more.
Liberal arts for Muslims: Scott Korb on Zaytuna College
"The school believes that there is no way for Islam to grow in this country unless Muslims build institutions that approach the culture with openness."
Sunday, September 8, 2013: Luke 14:25-33
For many congregations, September 8 is Rally Sunday. Sunday school begins again. Worship times are restored. The people attending worship have a freshness and excitement about them....
No, we shouldn't just tax all churches
The Alliance Defending Freedom and others have been hard at work for years organizing pastors to challenge (i.e., break) tax laws by electioneering from the pulpit. ADF insists this is about a pastor’s freedom of expression. I’m inclined to land where Amelia Thomson-Deveaux does: You can say anything you want (legally; let’s save theological arguments for another time)—once you give up your tax-exempt status.
But Matthew Yglesias takes this a step farther.
Shelving the past
I called my carpenter friend Daryl when I needed some bookshelves installed on the wall of our tiny spare room. I have a collection of books that I had no room to store....
In the piazza: Conversational witness in Rome
Believers and nonbelievers alike are often reticent to talk about religion. Yet many people long for such conversations.
Did NT authors think NT writings were inerrant?
There are things which, when you are an inerrantist, never cross your mind, and yet when you cease to be one, you wonder how you could possibly have failed to think those thoughts, notice those thi...
What do you do when you find out the theologian you respected is kind of slimy?
It happens all the time: I’m reading a beautiful piece of theology, and while the thinker is waxing on elegantly about God and man, he barrels in on the subject of women or Jewish people, and suddenly I’m hit by a barrage of nastiness.