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Feminists call temporary Western Wall prayer platform called a ‘sundeck’
c. 2013 Religion News Service...
God's action and ours
For those who are uncomfortable with any suggestion that our future is in our own hands, this might be one of those weeks to abandon the assigned texts on theological grounds. (It is extra tempting given the occasion of “Rally Sunday.”) In Deuteronomy we hear that if we obey we shall live and be blessed, but if our heart turns away we shall perish. And then very directly, “Choose life so that you and your descendants may live.”
The drums of (possibly congressionally authorized) war
This weekend President Obama surprised everyone by choosing to seek permission now rather than forgiveness later on the Syria front. While the congressional leadership quickly got behind Obama’s plan for a military strike, it’ll be a harder sell for others on both sides of the aisle.
James Fallows is impressed with Obama’s decision to go to Congress. So, presumably, are the almost 40,000 people who signed this MoveOn petition. And sure: if your main concern is (1) constitutionality, (2) the growing power of the executive branch, and/or (3) legislators’ ability to make a lot of noise about (1) and (2) without having to actually record a vote one way or the other, then this is welcome news.
Tuesday digest
New today from the Century: The good kind of theological liberalism, the drums of (possibly congressionally authorized) war, more.
Two faiths, one shrine
Shared holy places might puzzle American or European Christians. In the rest of the world, religions have rarely enjoyed such a monopoly.
A temporary church
A church I once served was born in a cheese warehouse, grew, purchased property, built a building, grew some more, plateaued, added an addition, declined and closed—all in a 50-year timespan....
Friday digest
New today from the Century: Philip Jenkins on shrines shared by multiple faiths, Gail Irwin on cardboard churches, more.
Other people saying things, March on Washington edition
"This was the genesis of the network of democratic socialists who seven years later were to conceive, organize, a...
Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers, by Daniel Ellsberg
Daniel Ellsberg was a hard-line cold warrior employee at the Pentagon, but a two-year stint in Vietnam with the State Department made him skeptical about the outcome of the war and critical of the ...
A response to "Shelter in the parsonage" Case by case: Case by case
Read Ellen Blue's fictional narrative first....
Shelter in the parsonage: Case by case
Roberta insisted that although her first husband had abused her, Hank had never hit her. Neither Ian nor Abigail believed these assurances.
Pope Francis, Jordan king say dialogue is ‘only option’ in Syria conflict
c. 2013 Religion News Service...
Evangelical body supports politicking in the pulpit
Bucking popular opinion and a decades-old IRS policy, a group of conservative evangelicals is urging that pastors be allowed to endorse political candidates in church without risking their congrega...
Anti-Shari‘a amendment struck down by court
A federal judge has struck down Oklahoma’s constitutional amendment that would have prohibited judges in the state from considering Shari‘a law....
Religion v. religions
When scholars of religion are feeling provocative, they like to point out that there is no such thing as “religion”—only “religions.” Like language, religion cannot be mere...
An opportunity to break the law
Say what you will about the Raleigh PD: At least their crackdown...
Thursday digest
New today from the Century: Ministry scenario by Ellen Blue (with response by Stephanie Paulsell), Matt Hedstrom on religion v. religions, more.