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Hidden in Timbuktu: An Islamic legacy protected from jihadists
Before the jihadists fled Timbuktu in February, they burned the city's ancient manuscripts. Except all the ones the residents hid.
Sunday, September 22, 2013: Luke 16:1-13
On a wall in Stockholm’s cathedral hangs a huge 17th-century painting of the Last Judgment that depicts the falling bodies of the damned....
Pope kicks off reform mission in meeting with Vatican department heads
c. 2013 Religion News Service...
Is being religious bad for the economy?
From RNS:
Too much religion can harm a society’s economy by undermining the drive for financial success, according to a new study in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. . . . The study found that religious people in religious cultures reported better psychological adjustment when their income was low.
Tuesday digest
New today from the Century: A moderate Islamic legacy in Mali, religiosity and the economy, more.
Islam and democracy
The prospects for genuine democracy in Egypt are more remote than ever. But there are other models of Islamic politics in the region.
Liberation theology finds new welcome in Pope Francis’ Vatican
c. 2013 Religion News Service...
Books & Culture survives financial crisis
Print publications across the board are struggling to find a financial formula to help them survive—or praying for a deep-pocketed savior to rescue them the way Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is doing w...
God goes on a tirade
Exodus 32 is too monumental not to mention. And while the lectionary assigns 32:7–14, it’s important to include verses 1–6 as well.
I suggest we stop calling this text the “golden calf” incident and begin calling it the “God changes God’s mind at the request of Moses” incident.
Kelly J. Baker: The Zombies Are Coming!
I have looked at the world a bit differently since meeting Dr. Kelly J. Baker. When I read that she was an expert on religion, race and zombies, I invited her out for coffee.
Monday digest
New today from the Century: The editors on Islam and democracy, Harold Bush reviews Dan Brown, more.
Travels with Dan Brown
I find Dan Brown's use of the word fact charming. Fact: I'm powerless to say precisely what he means by it.
Where is Occupy?
Even though some of the large Occupy demonstrations have pulled up their tent pegs, many are still working to help Americans get out of overwhelming medical debt or fight against foreclosures.
Francis, ‘cold-call pope,’ touches a lot of people
Of all the novelties that Pope Francis has brought to the Vatican, few have endeared him to the public—and unsettled his aides—as much as his penchant for picking up the phone and calling someone o...
Preparing to read
Over time I have come to believe that the reading of scripture in public worship is as important as expounding on scripture (i.e., preaching)....
End actual poverty first
Perhaps you’ve noticed it. Maybe even on this site in the advertisements.
Makena can’t read the Christmas story.
End Bible Poverty....
Friday digest
New today from the Century: Deborah Smith Douglas reviews Judith Valente, Richard Kauffman on reading scripture in worship, more.