November 5, Ordinary 31A (Joshua 3:7–17)
When rituals leave us full—and then empty
The artistic vision of Jesus
Episode 33: Poet and public speaker Kaitlin Curtice, author of Living Resistance
Poll: Growing number of US adults support the use of political violence
November 1, All Saints Day (1 John 3:1–3)
Teen comedies for a sex-positive generation
Neutrality or solidarity?
Fake news at church
A poet converted by her own writing
October 29, Ordinary 30A (Deuteronomy 34:1–12)
Why Hamas is selling its assault on Israel as a holy war
Palestinian Americans decry demonization in media amid rising fear of hate crimes
Restoring the land
My land acknowledgment
A multitude of ways to love the earth
Reckoning with self-destruction