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Habits of hobbits: A good day to begin the world again
In these days of extraordinary terror and ordinary routine, the future seems at once darker and more open than we had expected....
Can soldiers be saved? Luther's example: Luther's example
During the war against Iraq an interviewer asked me where I got some of the theological ideas that called more for repentance by “our side” than triumph over “them” and theirs....
Begging to give: 2 Corinthians 8:7-15
"The past is not over,” said Odessa Woolfolk of the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. Speaking to my divinity school class, Woolfolk spoke of systems that continue to oppress and seriously limit access to resources that are basic to any human being. With slavery a thing of the past, with segregation banned, with the right to vote for everyone, what is the problem? It is access.
Sail on: Mark 4:35-41; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13
It must have been the mother of all squalls. Some of the disciples were seasoned fishermen, skilled in the art of navigating dangerous waters. But this was a red alert. They were going to perish—and the one person who might turn the situation around was sleeping peacefully in the boat’s place of honor, the stern. They woke Jesus up with a strident “Don’t you care, Teacher?” But he did not respond to their lack of faith. Instead he responded to the peace within himself, and produced a calm that impacted nature as well as the frightened disciples.
Inventing the poor
Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, former president Jimmy Carter remarked that the “growing gap between the rich and poor” is ...
Tilting right
Last September over 700 hundred people were arrested in the largest civil disobedience in New Haven, Connecticut, that anyone could remember....
The Amish in the American Imagination, by David Weaver-Zercher
In the most vivid of all Amish urban legends, three bonneted women from Lancaster County enter the elevator of a New York City skyscraper....
Dogged pursuit
Merging a love story with a political thriller is a daunting challenge for a filmmaker....
Novel idea: Good novels can nourish the work of preaching
I am mostly a utilitarian reader....
Hearts and minds: Youth are seeking a faith worth dying for
Will our children have faith? Christian educator John Westerhoff asked that question over 25 years ago in a book with that title....
The book on Bennett: Bill Bennet's gambling problem
Should we judge Bill Bennett for being an obsessive gambler, for losing over $1 million in a two-month period and $8 million over ten years? He wouldn’t have it any other way....
Needless deaths: Rachel Corrie, Shaden Abu Hijleh
I have two files on my computer desktop labeled “Rachel” and “Shaden.” They remind me of the deaths of an American woman and a Palestinian woman....
Making a face: Countenances
Countenances have been much on my mind lately, thanks to the example of the Palo Alto, California, city council....
Storm center: When bad things happen
Set a straight course and keep to it, and do not be dismayed in the face of adversity. (Ecclesiasticus 2:2, The Apocrypha, Revised English Bible)...
Windblown: John 3:1-17; Romans 8:12-17
After an attempted coup in Indonesia in 1965, headlines reported that 500,000 people were killed. What did not make the headlines was the quiet revolution that began as the wind of the Spirit began to move into a collapsed intellectual and moral vacuum. There was no ballyhoo or promotion, but simply the response of untold numbers who found in the churches a haven.
Coming into focus: John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15; Acts 2:1-21
"When the Counselor comes!" What was Jesus trying to tell us? His words came after an embarrassing incident. When none of us disciples was willing to wash someone else's feet, Jesus did it. Our rabbi and leader. Not until much later would we understand what he was doing; on that night we could only listen and try to make sense of his words.
Talking with the enemy: Learning patience, developing habits
In Wendell Berry’s novel Jayber Crow, Jayber is a barber in Port William, Kentucky, who interacts with a variety of people as they come to his barbershop....
This far by faith: The power of the black church
Juan Williams is senior correspondent for National Public Radio....