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Robert Bresson, by Joseph Cunneen
While reading Joseph Cunneen's book I heeded his counsel and looked again at some of Robert Bresson's 14 feature films made in France between 1943 and 1983....
Our Posthuman Future, by Francis Fukuyama
"Posthuman," the newest buzz word, is beginning to eclipse "postmodern." Postmodernism consists of a philosophical reexamination of foundational suppositions of the Enlightenment: objectivity, real...
Cultural Tug of War and Korean Americans and Their Religions
Why have religion and spirituality been so central for the approximately 1.1 million people of Korean ancestry in the United States? The answer, in part, lies in their history....
Great and small: Small congregations, great churches
Being the pastor of a small church is hard work. I know; I was one once. And the rewards are relatively modest by anybody’s standards....
In unison: The church needs more than one style of music
Joan Chittister says that singing is what makes her Benedictine community a community. The singing of the group effects the unity that it represents....
Military overdose: U.S. involvement in Colombia
The news from Colombia is mostly bad. The number of people forced to flee from their homes and find makeshift shelter has increased from about 2 million in 2001 to nearly 3 million today....
Living into commitments: A letter to Derek
Dear Derek: In my last letter I commented on how casually I said yes when Mom asked whether we should agree to have you come into our home as a foster child....
Life on the edge: A small church redefines its mission
What is a great church? For many Americans, great is synonymous with large, volume equals vitality, quantity means quality. But a countertradition is quietly emerging....
Crumbling pillars: Anarchy at home and abroad
The attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, constituted an attack not simply on America but on the modern world order....
Nothing but the truth: Honest remembrance
We often engage in disputes about how events from the past should be remembered....
Ask the vicar: Why to belong
Dear Chad: Your recent e-mail brought back rich memories of the long-ago days when you were my confirmand and I was your catechist....
Chasing Jesus: Ephesians 3:14-21; John 6:1-21
We employ human terms to communicate who God is to one another. But God uses not only words, pictures and images, but Jesus, the Word become flesh and dwelling among us. We look for ways to express who God is, and here God is among us in Jesus Christ, feeding, forgiving, healing and reconciling.
Turning to Islam: African-American conversion stories
"I was searching for several years before I became a Muslim,” says Abdus Salaam, a marketing specialist from Birmingham, Alabama....
We were aliens: Ephesians 2:11-22; Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
If the Ephesians forget who they were, they will presume God owes them something.
Ecumenism's friends
If you care about the ecumenical movement or would like to know enough to care about it, read Michael Kinnamon's book. No one is a more engaging guide into the questions of ecumenism in our day....
Estranged: Between mainline Protestants and Jews
A painful accompaniment to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is the estrangement it has caused between mainline Protestants and Jews....
Final outcome: A critical flaw in the road map to peace
Only days after President Bush stood in Aqaba, Jordan, on June 4 and touted a road map to peace in the Middle East—with Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud A...
Empty inclusivism: A report on church and family
Last month the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) wisely voted to send a five-year study of the family back to the committee that drafted it for revision....