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Walled in: Israel's separation barrier
President Bush calls Israel’s wall of separation from the Palestinians a “problem” for the road map to peace in the Middle East....
Fundamental things: Dietary restrictions
Something “anomalous” is “inconsistent with or deviating from what is usual, normal, or expected.” I just learned that this definition fits the University of Chicago faculty, with whom I worked for...
True grit: Mark 7:24-37; James 2:1-10 (Matthew 15:21-28)
When I was in first grade, teachers assigned students to reading groups based on how well they could read. They would name all the groups after birds so that everyone would feel equal, but you could always tell how well you were doing by what bird your group was named after. There were the Eagles, the Robins and the Pigeons. The Pigeons were not reading War and Peace
Pharisees are us (Mark 7:1-8, 21-23)
Jesus is not accusing the Pharisees of an early form of Pelagianism.
Prime time: Albert Borgmann on taming technology
For Albert Borgmann, philosophy is a way of taking up the questions that reside at the center of everyday life—questions that are urgent but often inarticulate....
Doubting Tom
This first novel is getting a lot of attention because its author, New Republic book critic James Wood, is known for his merciless criticism of well-known novelists....
Captain America and the Crusade Against Evil, by Robert Jewett and John Shelton Lawrence
People remember where they were on September 11. It's a date so emblazoned on our memories that we don't need to mark it by year....
Practicing Resurrection, by Nora Gallagher
Rarely, if ever, have I been so closely drawn to a book as I was to Nora Gallagher's Things Seen and Unseen: A Year Lived in Faith....
With God in the Crucible, by Peter Storey
Jesus proved that preaching costly discipleship could be hazardous to one's health. Peter Storey gives readers a firsthand encounter with such preaching....
Three men and a horse
For the first half-hour you can't imagine how Seabiscuit is ever going to get out from under the truly awful ideas that writer-director Gary Ross has inflicted on it....
Punch line: Sermonic joke telling is a precarious business
One of the ways to divide the human race, I have concluded, is between those who can tell a good joke and those who cannot. Some people are joke-telling experts....
Truth deficit: A casualty of war
It’s easy to define a lie: it is a statement the speaker knows is not true. Being truthful is more complex. As Bonhoeffer argued, character matters....
Send and receive: Manners and ministry on the Internet
The most dominant form of pastoral contact in my congregation is e-mail. I love it. And I hate it. I love it more than hate it, but the contest is not over. In fact, it has just begun....
Silence: A letter to Derek
Dear Derek: It’s awfully quiet around the house now that you’re gone. In fact, hardly a day goes by that Mom and I don’t remark on it....
Taming the beast: My life on antidepressants
Living in Alabama, I encounter a lot of intuitive spelling. I am no spelling snob....
Almost persuaded: A way that leads to life
On a summer evening in our town, Carnival came to Main Street....
Motley crew: Graduate seminarians
Christian Tetzlaff, superstar young violinist, charmed our town last month by playing Bach’s six works for solo violin....
Roll call: Ephesians 6:10-20; John 6:56-69
Jesus called the Twelve together and put the question to them with unsettling directness: Do you also wish to go away? I wonder sometimes how I would have responded to the question. Because at times the truth is I do wish to go away.
Don't be ridiculous: Ephesians 5:15-20; John 6:51-58
Thou shalt not be ridiculous. Paul says, "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil." When Paul wrote that wonderful sentence he probably was sitting in an upper room in Athens. It was late at night, quiet, and all the fools were asleep.
Job on Prozac: The pharmaceutical option
In the biblical story, God tests his faithful servant Job to see whether Job will stay devoted to God even if God takes everything away from him....