Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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28 results found.
Voltaire’s encounter with the crucified Christ
The Enlightenment thinker was fiercely critical of religion. But what did he mean by religion?
Sometimes ministry functions like a group project at school.
A failure of compassion
Outdoor workers need a little water and shade every four hours. Is that too much to ask?
The emotion standing in the way of peace
Anger can be both healthy and helpful. Rage offers only destruction.
I was a scribe for the Chicago Illuminated Scripture Project
What would possess me to copy a chapter of the Bible by hand?
Maybe this really is a time of divine judgment
Amid pandemic and protest, will we turn to each other and live?
What happens when we are the refugees, the strangers, and the dying?
by Diane Roth
Jesus keeps saying, “Do not be afraid.” But there’s so much to be afraid of.
by Diane Roth
Has family become an idol?
The Bible gives no sense that the family is an end in itself.
Convicted for taking water to thirsty people
The No More Deaths volunteers were imitating the logic of the incarnation.
The quiet Christian witness of A Rocha Canada
The evangelical group teaches farming, provides hospitality to newly arrived refugees, and watches the local salmon.
“Be welcoming!” Jesus says. Yes, we've got this one covered.
by Liddy Barlow
If it's in the first verse of Romans 5, it must be important to Paul.
July 2, Ordinary 13A (Matthew 10:40–42)
Matthew 25 is not the only way that Christ appears in our world.
by Liddy Barlow
June 25, Ordinary 12A (Matthew 10:24–39)
We have value because we are creatures, like sparrows.
by Liddy Barlow
June 18, 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Exodus 19:2–8a; Psalm 100; Romans 5:1–8; Matthew 9:35–10:8