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John Kohan
John Kohan is a writer and art collector (
Oluwaseyi Alade’s Pilate Washes His Hands
The gospel story of Jesus before Pilate has echoed down the centuries in numerous accounts of rulers and public officials who engage in wrongdoing and pass the blame to others....
Hlafira Shcherbak’s
One Can’t Catch My
Soul (top) and People in
Dark Times (bottom)
One Can’t Catch My
Soul (top) and People in
Dark Times (bottom)
The war has touched Hlafira Shcherbak in a more personal way than other artists from the Ukrainian Greek Catholic community of icon writers in Lviv, the cultural center of Western Ukrain...
José Ignacio Fletes Cruz’s The Second Chance: The Ark of Noah
The flood story makes modern readers squirm....
Peter Howson’s Imposter
Peter Howson has been described as a modern-day Hieronymus Bosch for his detailed and disquieting depictions of the Gospel Passion narratives, like this graphite drawing on gessoed wood of the mock...
Jeff Meadows’s The Peaceable Kingdom
The Peaceable Kingdom of Edward Hicks is an icon of American folk art, much admired and copied since the Pennsylvania Quaker painter finished his first version around 1820....
Jesus Said to Her: “Give Me to Drink,” by Rania Kuhn
The serene saints of Egyptian Coptic Orthodox art are markedly different in face and form from the austere holy men and women of more familiar Byzantine images....
The Rich Man and Lazarus by James Janknegt
Painting the parables is a special calling for James Janknegt....
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Pietà, by Khrystyna Yatsyniak
The image of Mary cradling the body of the crucified Jesus known as Pietà (“pity” in Italian) is one of the most powerful motifs in sacred art....
Parables of Luke triptych, by Charalambos Epaminonda
Three paintings, acrylic on canvas, of the prodigal son, the sower of seed, and the good Samaritan make up this triptych by Greek Cypriot artist ...
Holy Family Immigration, by Wayne Lacson Forte
Born in the Philippines, educated in the United States and Europe, and married in Brazil, Wayne Lacson Forte makes religious art with a global perspective....
The Letter and the Spirit, by David Wojkowicz
Czech printmaker David Wojkowicz challenges our traditional ways of visualizing biblical narrative....
Julian of Norwich and Teresa of Ávila, Theodidacts, by Jodi Simmons
Schooled in Eastern Orthodox art, Jodi Simmons offers an iconographic variation on Italian Renaissance “holy conversation” imagery, in which saints from different eras are shown gathered around sac...
Jesus Feeds the Hungry, by Milen Litchkov
Almost 1,200 years of Eastern Christian culture are represented in this tinted drypoint by Milen Litchkov....