Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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Maundy Thursday, Plague Year
by Bonnie Thurston
Meet me
by Susan Delaney Spear
Easter, 2020
by Marda Messick
by Michael Waters
by Bryana Joy
The pond
by Sarah Rossiter
In church
by D. Keith Naylor
This Lent
by J. Barrie Shepherd
by Warren L. Molton
by Marjorie Maddox
A Doubting Thomas sort-of sonnet
by Jill Alexander Essbaum
Armor of light
by David C. Killeen
Out of the depths
by Charles Hughes
The bees: A fable
by Ned Balbo
What the therapist says
by Aaron Brown
Agni Dei
by Carl Winderl
When a certain word comes to you
by Andrea Potos
Night comes
John the Baptist
by Philip C. Kolin
Red fox