Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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by Marjorie Maddox
After the iridotomy
by Angie Crea O’Neal
A census
by Yehiel E. Poupko
Thursday morning
by Laura Grace Weldon
On the cusp of the pandemic
Eden in the a.m.
by Richard Schiffman
Good move, 1962
by Charles Hughes
A theme perhaps for the plague
by Suzanne Underwood Rhodes
Thoughts while watering flowers
by Donna Pucciani
Unmarked graves
by Joel Peckham
The plane trees
by Luci Shaw
Spring in the year of coronavirus
by Diane G. Scholl
Easter alone
by J. Barrie Shepherd
Ghost light
by Steven Peterson
Etty Hillesum
by Sarah Rossiter
My father’s tragedy
After amen
by Linda Mills Woolsey
Catching a ride, 1975
by Paul Willis
by D. S. Martin
Wrong way round
by Bonnie Thurston