Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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The good day
by Karen An-Hwei Lee
The hungry wife
by Ann Struthers
Little revelations
by Luci Shaw
One-eyed Jesus of the Sacred Heart
by Donovan McAbee
Before the rib
by Julie L. Moore
Instead—musings on Psalm 42
by Muriel Nelson
Sin eater
by Sarah Rossiter
Sandgerði Iceland, midnight
by Marci Rae Johnson
Pilgrim prayer
by Rebecca Edgren
Prayer from a motel lobby in Topeka
by Sally Witt, CSJ
Except, inexplicably, the last
by Stephen Kampa
Prayer for the city
by Dianne Turgeon Richardson
Vatican II periti: An acrostic
by Maryanne Hannan
Conservation cemetery
by Marda Messick
Spit and dust
by Charles R. Strietelmeier
Songs of comfort
Walking the labyrinth
by Katherine J. Williams
Clay into birds
by Jeff Gundy
by Yehiel E. Poupko