Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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why not the cavalry
by Carl Winderl
My cross to bear
by Valerie Wohlfeld
The agony in the garden
by Peter Cooley
by Ayokunle Samuel Betiku
The beginning of spring
by Charles Hughes
White pelicans
by Sarah Rossiter
At the testing site
by Marda Messick
In the garden of grief
by Annette Sisson
For the funeral lunch ladies
by Maryann Corbett
Dutch windows
by Steven Peterson
by Jefferson Holdridge
Angel of your presence
by Deborah J. Shore
Miracle story
by Bonnie Thurston
Theme: Crawl
by Heidi Mordhorst
Eve asks the serpent for a story
by Lynn Domina
Running across the pews
by Jeff Gundy
Sonnet to knee scabs
by Shelby Poulin
Ain’t no meta. Ain’t no nevamind.
by Scott Cairns
Doxology: God . . . tell me how
by Psalmuel Benjamin
Natural theology in the late pandemic