Praying for dogs
A tumor like a portabella on its neck,
a Pomeranian has poked its head
into my timeline where its owner posts
please pray. And later at the Wednesday night...
My father on the diving board
His body browned from working in a heat
that blistered paint and cooked the summer grass
to needle sharp, my father climbed the rungs
of wet metal up to the fiberglass...
Bonhoeffer at the Abyssinian Baptist Church
If all that rises praises you, my Lord,
then bodies sprung from pews can picture forth
saints springing up in bloom from stony earth....
A funeral begins at the church across the street
Men and women in black, a few at first and then more, move
quickly and silently across the parking lot, like a slow rain
beginning to fall into the dark mouth of the sanctuary....
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