Princeton Seminary cancels award to Tim Keller, but not his lecture

It all began with a 19th-century Dutch theologian. Each year the Abraham Kuyper Center for Public Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary—named for the neo-Calvinist thinker and church leader who also served as prime minister of the Netherlands—awards a Prize for Excel­lence in Reformed Theology and Public Life. This year, the center planned to honor Timothy Kel­ler, the founding pastor of Redeemer Pres­byterian Church in Manhattan, New York, who leads a global urban church planting network.

Egyptian Copts finally fulfilling dream of being pilgrims in Jerusalem

For decades, Refaat El-Sayeh, a Coptic Christian merchant in el-Kosheh, Egypt, had wanted to see the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and visit the Church of the Nativity in nearby Beth­lehem. He wanted to feel closer to God.

But for years those pilgrimages were discouraged for Egypt’s Coptic Christians.

“To visit Jerusalem and the holy places was always my wish,” El-Sayeh said. “You feel the hand of God. This is the lifelong dream of every Christian in el-Kosheh.”

Sanctuary churches, cities may face legal consequences

Pilgrim–St. Luke’s United Church of Christ in Buffalo, New York, consulted lawyers before deciding to join the sanctuary movement and offer shelter to undocumented people. When it came time for the vote in the congregation of about 110 people, it was unanimous.

“No one blinked,” said Justo Gonza­lez II, the church’s pastor.

The legality of congregations housing undocumented people to keep them from immigration authorities is unclear.