Muslim students join lawsuits against Trump

c. 2017 Religion News Service

LOS ANGELES (RNS) Despite President Trump’s threat of a “Muslim ban” during the 2016 campaign, Hadil Mansoor Al-Mowafak, a 20-year-old international affairs student at Stanford University, was taken aback when he banned travel from seven Muslim countries including Yemen, where her husband lives.

“I didn’t think it was even possible,” Al-Mowafak said. “I thought he just used the Muslim ban during his campaign and once he took power he’d face reality.”

Muslim groups raise funds to repair desecrated Jewish cemetery

c. 2017 St. Louis Post-Dispatch

UNIVERSITY CITY, Missouri — The damaging of dozens of headstones at a Jewish cemetery spurred Muslim groups to raise thousands of dollars to help with repairs.

A crowdfunding campaign started by social justice activists Linda Sarsour, of New York City, and Tarek El-Messidi, of Cincinnati, raised more than $20,000 within a few hours to help the Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery after up to 200 headstones were toppled during the weekend. As of early Wednesday (February 22), the campaign had raised more than $55,000.

Christian aid group cuts staff members in wake of Trump’s executive order on refugees

World Relief has announced it will lay off more than 140 staff members and close five local offices as a “direct result” of President Trump’s order to more than halve the number of refugees resettled this year in the United States.

The Christian nonprofit is one of nine private agencies that contracts with the U.S. government to resettle refugees.

Polls say most Europeans want to ban Muslims from immigrating

When Americans demonstrated against President Trump’s recent entry ban on immigrants from seven mostly Muslim countries, marchers in London, Paris, Berlin, and other European cities quickly joined in the protest. The message from across the Atlantic seemed to be “we’re with you.”

The televised reports of the protests told only half the story, however. In fact, even less than half.