Chaldeans ask why U.S. Christians aren't speaking out against deportations to Iraq

c. 2017 Religion News Service

(RNS)  Some Chaldeans and their supporters are wondering why more American Christians—their co-religionists—are not speaking out against the impending deportation of hundreds of them from the U.S. to Iraq, which many call a death sentence.

About 200 Chaldeans, members of a group of Christians indigenous to Iraq, were rounded up by ICE agents in past weeks, including 114 in the Detroit area on Sunday June 11.

Southern Baptists decry white supremacy, call for 'moral character' in public officials

Southern Baptists have adopted a statement denouncing “alt-right white supremacy” as antithetical to the gospel.

The move on June 14 at the denomination’s annual meeting came after the Southern Baptist Convention’s Re­solutions Committee declined to bring to a vote the previous day a Texas pastor’s proposed resolution condemning the alt-right movement, whose members include white supremacists.

Haunted by its history, Berlin debates restoring the kaiser’s gilded cross

Berlin is a city haunted by history. It is constantly debating what to do with the reminders of its Nazi past, its communist legacy, or its Prussian kings and imperial kaisers. Now there’s a dispute about one of its oldest symbols of all: a cross.

The debate arose because the reconstruction of the City Palace (Stadt­schloss), a residence of kings and kaisers, which was heavily damaged in World War II and demolished by East Germany’s communist leaders in 1950, is moving into its final phase.