Resurrection of the Lord (Year C, RCL)
81 results found.
James Quentin's Scroll Cross, From His Side, and Black Forest Cross (clockwise from left to right)
Ministry and other difficult jobs
Pastors face intense challenges—though not necessarily unique ones.
Overshadowed by the Twelve
Holly Carey turns up the brightness on the most faithful disciples in the gospels: the women.
What we think we know about God
“Anyone who thinks he knows the orthodox consensus can always be shown to be wrong,” says David Bentley Hart.
Jesus’ resurrected gut biome
In John’s Gospel we meet a body of flesh and blood. And microbes.
When and where did the resurrected Jesus first appear?
The Bible offers conflicting answers.
Don’t hold on (John 20:1-18)
Christ’s invitation to new life is almost always unfamiliar and surprising, even disconcerting.
April 9, Easter Day (John 20:1-18)
In recent years, I’ve become somewhat of an Easter Grinch.
Was my father right to embrace predestination?
If we take the doctrine seriously, then we dare not draw the circle of salvation along religious lines. Or any lines at all.
Craving hope (Isaiah 65:17-25; 1 Corinthians 15:19-26)
We live between variants; we also live between Advents.
April 17, Easter Day C (John 20:1-18)
Mary has no hand to clutch or shoulder to lean on.
December 19, Advent 4C (Luke 1:39-45, 46-55)
It’s hard to believe in an enchanted world.
“Dad, why does Deuteronomy 20 talk about killing the boys and girls?”
My daughter wants to know. Even as a biblical scholar, I don’t have a good answer.
Celebrating Easter on the anniversary of MLK’s death
The first Easter was a wrecked scene of dispirited disciples in the shadows of an insurrection.
Preaching Holy Week in the middle of a pandemic—again
Usually it takes courage to preach Good Friday. This year, it will take courage to proclaim “He is risen!” on Easter morning.
a conversation between Richard Lischer and William H. Willimon
What Christian hope looks like during a pandemic
Living into the desired new creation is our work—and God’s promise.
by Jesse Zink