Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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Ministry and other difficult jobs
Pastors face intense challenges—though not necessarily unique ones.
What kind of faith gets you through 25 years in a refugee camp?
by Laurel Mathewson
Many people are bound. Some don’t even know it. The difference between being free and being bound is at the center of our Gospel text this week.
by LaDonna Sanders Nkosi
Transformation for Betsy, her congregants, and others will likely occur through encounters with members of the Muslim community. As a leader, Betsy can cultivate these encounters.
by Theresa F. Latini
By Kenneth H. Carter Jr.
We need to be reminded, as we celebrate Pentecost, that the Spirit is always much bigger and more "other" than we normally think.
reviewed by Virginia Ramey Mollenkott